The U.A. Tournament (part two of three)

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Sorry for the late update.

Midoriya's PoV:
I feel as everyone's energy fluctuates as they activate and deactivate their quirks, as well as sense where everything is, including both people and inanimate objects. I smirk and sense something moving fast. I already know it's Iida. I open my eyes and see I'm right. The feeling of the place doesn't go away, I can still sense everything, it's just now I can see where everything I can see is (can sense things that are small that he can control that he aren't able to see, like bugs and such). It feels weird, sensing all the energy fluctuations. It's interesting, though. I use the jetpack to launch my team into the air again. I smile down at Todoroki, who's frowning at me. He has plenty of other headbands from other teams, but they don't have mine. I land a ways away from them, in the middle of the crowd of students I have under my control. I move my finger subtly and all the teams turn to Todoroki's team and charge at them, all except Bakugou's and the team their chasing since I don't want Bakugou coming at me since it would be useless for the team. Todoroki's team dodges them all and create a ice wall around the area where my team and his team are. The cavalry battle is almost done. I let go of the other teams since they can't come after me anyways. I hear a lot of yelling in confusion as soon as I let go of them all. I chuckle as the opposite team looks at me. I smirk at them and Iida starts charging something up. I can tell by the sudden spike in energy from him. I smirk and just before he releases it, and launch my team into the air. I look at Iida and that team, we land a little ways away. I see shock on Iida's face at the fact that I dodged that and shock from the rest of my team and the opposing team at both me and Iida. There's a lot of cheering from the crowd and it's starting to aggravate me. I grit my teeth and glare at the crowd, they don't notice. I look back at Iida, his engines are smoking and he can't come after me with his speed anymore, so they can only run like the rest of the teams. I manipulate myself to drown out the cheering of the crowd and focus on what's in the arena. I sigh in relief at the lack of noise I can hear from the crowd. I hear explosions hitting the ice and immediately know that Bakugou's team is coming. I smirk and salute Todoroki as I notice there's only a few seconds left. As soon as I do, his team comes at me and Bakugou breaks through the ice and comes after me, too. Before either of them could reach me, the time stopped. I smirk as I get put down on the ground and I stretch, taking the headband off my head as I do so. I still have it. I chuckle as I look at Bakugou and his team, Todoroki and his team and back at my team. They all seem to be in a sort of shock. I chuckle again and walk away from them since there's a break after they announce which teams are going forward. My team, Bakugou's team, Todoroki's team and a guy named Shinso's team. I look at the fourth team and see the purple-haired man I was interested in earlier among them and smirk.

As Midnight is talking to us, two people drop out of the competition and are replaced by two people, who others thought deserved the spot. It doesn't matter to me, so I wasn't paying attention. Once the brackets are put up, I see I'm going against purple-hair, Shinso, first.

"You're Midoriya, right?" He asks, before I can answer, there's something blocking my mouth. Shinso smirks and walks away. I look behind me to see tail-boy, I never bothered learning his name (A/N: Actually, I just forgot it and now I feel bad) all I know is that I've seen him hanging out with the only thing we can see of invisible-girl, her clothes (A/N: She literally just looks like floating clothes with a voice, so lay off).

"Don't talk to him," He says simply, glaring at Shinso. He takes me off to the side and tells me how Shinso has a mind-control quirk that he can activate when someone answers one of his questions, or just talk to him in general I guess. I thank him and he makes me promise to beat the man for him. So that's why he's telling me this, so I can beat him for him. How weak.

~Time skip of destiny~

As we walk up to the 'arena', Shinso and I glare at each other. I can end this in seconds, but I want to play around for a bit. As soon as it starts, he starts talking about tail-boy. I don't care. I just stare at him and manipulate him so he can't activate his quirk. I smirk as soon as I'm finished.

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