Blind Insanity

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Hello! How is everyone? I hope everything's going great! I have a question. How would you guys feel if ai wrote a story of Villain!Deku (along with a few other villains) discovering an alternate universe where Izuku (and a few of the other villains b/c I'm making some of the other students villains in that story) are heroes?

NEW COVER (Look above) (I drew it and I'm proud)

3rd Person PoV:
Midoriya arrived this morning as school was starting, now the day is almost over and he still hasn't woken up. Todoroki, All Might, Recovery Girl and Inko are all worried that he hasn't woken up. Inko had arrived earlier in the day when she was told her son was at the school with many injuries. Recovery Girl wasn't able to fully heal him for fear of accidentally just hurting him. She took care of his face first, then started taking care of the more serious injuries and got them down to where they aren't so bad. As soon as the last class ends, Todoroki rushes to the nurse to check on Izuku. Bakugou had looked shocked when he had seen the state Midoriya was in since he had seemed for the longest time to be untouchable. He also went to the nurse, slower than Todoroki. Todoroki barges in and Inko and Recovery Girl look at him. He looks at them, then at Midoriya, who is still unconscious. He was wrapped with a lot of bandages, his head completely covered to protect his face. His arms and torso were also covered in bandages. His legs were only wrapped in certain areas, so they must not have as much damage to them. He looks to the two women as if questioning his condition.

"He's stable for now, but he still has many injuries and has yet to wake up since he blacked out," Recovery Girl says when both Inko and Todoroki look at her with that same question in their eyes. They both nod sadly. All three of them look at Izuku. He had saved himself from wherever he was, but he had sustained a lot of wounds before he did so. The door opens and they look to see Bakugou. He seems scared at first, but relaxes as he looks around the room. He quietly walks over and sits next to Inko. Todoroki is on the other side of the bed with Recovery Girl. They're mostly waiting for Izuku to wake up, but it was also a nice, quiet place for them to relax a bit. Inko puts her head on the bed, grabbing her son's hand as she does. Todoroki leans back in his chair and Bakugou just stares at Izuku. After a few minutes, Recovery Girl goes to her desk and fills out papers, occasionally looking at the strange-looking group. Eventually the sun sets and she let them stay there as they were already half asleep and the streets probably weren't too safe at the moment.

~Time skip to middle of the night~

Midoriya slowly woke up to feel someone grabbing his hand and the bed he was on slightly sunken under other people's weights. He uses his quirk to figure out who they are. Bakugou, Todoroki and his mom is what he soon finds out. He sits up and hisses as he feels bandages rub against the wounds that are still there. He makes sure to stay quiet so as not to wake anyone. He lifts his hands and feels bandages on his head. He grabs the end of the bandage (His hands aren't bandaged since there weren't any wounds there, miraculously) and starts removing it. He suddenly feels someone grab his hand to keep him from removing the bandages. He uses his quirk to notice it's Recovery Girl.

Midoriya (Weird spot to change, I know, but leave me alone):

I turn my head to her and lower my arms. She fixes the bandages quietly, also not wanting to wake up the others. As soon as she's done, she pats my shoulder reassuringly. I turn my head so I'm facing my mom. I then lay back down and use my quirk to sense where everything is. Recovery Girl goes back to whatever she was doing and I feel the weight on the bed shift as Todoroki moves around in his sleep and I place a hand atop his hand that is laying on the bed. I sigh as Bakugou starts to wake up. I turn my head towards him and he looks at me. His breath hitches in surprise as he realizes I'm awake. He looks away as I just keep my head pointed towards him. I'm not really paying attention to him, though, just messing with him. I start to fall asleep again and I suddenly feel a pain in my leg and I sit up immediately, grabbing my leg. I let out a hiss as I try to stop the pain in that area, but it seems to spread up my leg the more I try to get rid of it. Eventually I make my entire leg numb and the pain is finally stopped, not traveling to the rest of my body. I notice that everyone is now awake and looking at me. I tilt my head as I search where the pain came from for a reason why it started. I couldn't find one. There was no injury where it started, and there's nothing wrong within my body. So what was that pain? I grit my teeth and slowly retract my hands from my leg. I keep my head pointed toward my leg as Recovery Girl comes over and starts to heal me more. I slowly release the numbness but immediately put it back when I feel the pain still there. What is happening to me? I sigh internally and let go of it suddenly and the pain hits me like a truck. I feel my head start to go fuzzy and I feel my breath falter. I focus on my breathing as the fuzziness slowly disappears. I tilt my head and poke my leg as I notice the pain slowly disappear. I sigh in relief and then glower at the fact that I still have bandages on much of my body. I want to remove them, but Recovery Girl will probably scold me and put more on later.

I push myself back in the bed 'til my back meets the wall and I lean against it. I still haven't opened my eyes. Are they healed? Or am I permanently unable to see, now? If it's permanent, I'm going to find Handy-man and kill him. I know I want someone to be able to beat me, but I meant when we were both able to use our quirks, not when I'm unable to use my quirk and thus, unable to protect myself. I growl at myself as I let thoughts come in and linger for a while before leaving. I want to punch something, I want to hurt something, I want to do something other than lay here and feel useless. I then feel my head go fuzzy as I slowly slip into unconsciousness.

I make a decision for Midoriya as I take control and throw my legs over the side of the bed. Before anyone can stop me, I make them all stay where they are as I numb the injured places in my legs and stand up. I almost fall, but I use the wall for support and walk to the door. I leave and walk down the hall. Once I'm far enough away in the maze of halls where it'll take a while to find me, I release them. As I walk I start removing the bandages around my head. I start at the top of my head and work down. Once it's fully off I drop it on the floor, not caring that it'll possibly lead them to me. I continue walking through the halls as I open my eyes. Everything is blurry, so my vision is still slightly there, but it's so bad that it might as well be gone. I growl.

"I'm going to find Handy-man and kill him later," I growl to myself as I walk. I don't remove the other bandages since I see no point to removing them. The ones on my head just messed with me too much for me to be comfortable leaving them on. It seems like the wounds are healed anyways. I start laughing as I sense where the others are. Todoroki is close to where I dropped my bandages, but he hasn't found them yet. I let out my laugh as I let my head fall back and I stop walking. They all stop when they hear my laugh, Bakugou flinching at the sound. It only makes me laugh more. I hear footsteps and know that it's Todoroki since he was the closest to me. I continue to laugh as he looks at me. I then turn to him and his heart skips a beat when he sees my face. I must have an insane look on my face. I couldn't care less, anyways. I lift a hand to my face as I feel my face, feeling the scars from the injuries and I feel my eyelids when I close my eyes. There's scars covering my eyelids, too. I feel tears well up in my eyes as I think about how I'll probably never be able to properly see again. As the tears start falling down my face, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I grab it immediately and almost crush it. I hear a pained gasp and let go as I realize what I'm doing. I release his hand and look away from him. Before I even realized what I was doing, I start running down the hall. I hear Todoroki run after me after a moment of hesitation. I grit my teeth as I use my quirk to get through the maze of halls and to the exit without running into the other people searching for me. To Todoroki I probably seem lost, but I'm just trying to avoid the others. I finally reach the exit after what feels like hours of running through the halls but was probably only about half an hour. I can still hear Todoroki behind me. I exit the school and run down the street. I start running faster as I realize Todoroki is speeding up. He must be using his quirk to try to get to me. I sense the change in energy as well as temperature and I jump just before the ice reaches me. I jump up until I reach the top of the nearest building and run along the tops of the buildings. I growl and jump down into an alley and run out of the alley and down the street again. What little people there are on the street dodge out of my way, and I don't slow down.

I relax as I turn several corners and realize I've lost Todoroki. I fall back against a building and feel my scars again, tracing my fingers along them. I grab a bandage on my arm, where the other spot Handy-man used his quirk is. Once the bandage is off and it's exposed to the air, I gasp in pain as the wound is still not fully healed. I had dropped the bandage on the ground, so there's no way in hell I'm putting it back on. I suddenly feel a cold hand on my shoulder and I flinch. I notice it's Todoroki and he looks at me as I don't move a muscle as I debate what to do. I look at Todoroki and he sighs as he freezes the wound I'm covering and I hiss in pain and he picks me up and starts carrying me back to the school. I don't fight as I feel darkness creep into my mind as sleep trues to pull me in.. I lean against the boy as I fall asleep in his arms as I let go of my control of Izuku's body..

How was that? I don't know, but then again it's my writing and it might be better than I think it is. Oh well, I'll leave that to you.

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