Who Says Three's A Crowd?

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(Diana x Akko x Amanda because it's my new fave poly ship ❤❤❤)

(A bit of angst warning and attempted suicide! Don't read if that makes you uncomfortable!)

(Akko POV)

"C'mon, you two! Can you please get along? For me?" I said to my girlfriends, giving them puppy eyes.

"I just don't get why she's here!" They yelled in unison.

"Because sometimes I like to see both my girls! Unless you don't wanna spend time with me?" I pleaded again, purposely making my eyes water with fake tears.

They groaned, giving in as we began walking towards the town for our day out.

"You're the best!" I said, pecking Amanda's lips.

"Thanks, baby!" I said as I did the same to Diana.

I grabbed each of their hands, intertwining our fingers as I skipped along with my girlfriends in tow.

We went to my favourite coffee shop, sitting down and waiting for someone to take our order.

Diana and Amanda kept giving each other dirty glares, thinking I wouldn't notice.

"Please get along. I love both of you! I don't like it when you guys fight!" I said, burying my face in my hands.

I hear mumbling, knowing they're just quietly arguing again.

I groan, pushing my chair back as I run out the shop, tears down my face.

(Amanda POV)

What have we done? I think, combing a hand through my hair.

"This is all your fault!" Diana calls at me, gripping her shirt tightly as she most likely tries to hold back a punch.

"Maybe it is my fault. But it's your fault too. Now, c'mon! Let's get our girl!" I call, grabbing Diana's hand as I run out the shop.

I grab my broom that I had hidden in an alley. "Get on! I know where she went!" I call, pulling Diana on behind me.

"Tia Freyre!" I call, zooming off as fast as I can to the tower.

"She tried before, but I was flying by to catch her. I just hope I can make it again." I say, more to myself than to Diana.

(Diana POV)

Again? What happened last time? What is she talking about?! I think, wrapping my arms around Amanda's waist as she picks up speed.

We make it to a tall tower, landing quickly.

Amanda jumps off the broom, running to the other side quickly with me on her heels.

"Akko!" Amanda yells to the short girl, keeping her distance as well as holding me back.

She looked at us, a smile on her tear streaked face as she waved.

She fell back, but I jumped on Amanda's broom to chase after her.

I reached for her hand, the broom going almost as fast as she was falling.

She got farther and farther until I remembered a floating spell.

"Fudō Superu!" I call, pointing my wand at Akko.

It worked! She stopped falling, freezing in midair.

I took this as my chance, grabbing her by the shirt collar and hoisting her onto the broom.

I think the spell had knocked her unconscious, cus she didn't answer when I called her name.

I flew back to the top of the tower as Amanda gently grabbed her off the broom, checking her for injuries.

I guess I underestimated her. I think as I watch the great Amanda O'Neill, sobbing, as she clutched her sleeping girlfriend.

(Amanda POV)

I'm so stupid! How could I let this happen again?! Akko, I'm so sorry! I think as tears roll down my face, holding Akko close and stroking her hair.

Diana kneels beside us, giving me a sympathetic smile.

She pulls out her wand, calling out a spell I've never heard before.

Akko slowly opens her eyes, looking from me to Diana.

"Oh my gosh! I'm dead! You're dead! Am I why you're dead? Please say I'm not!" Akko slurs as she sits up, clutching her head.

I chuckle a bit, kissing her forehead. "Nah, babe. You're okay! Diana saved you." I say, nodding to Diana with a grin.

She nods back as Akko hugs her tightly.

She hugs me next, sighing into my neck.

She looks at both of us with a frown, tears once again filling her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I wasn't thinking! Oh gosh, I almost did it again!" she says, burying her face in her hands as she sobs uncontrollably.

I sigh, sitting her in my lap gently as she continues to sob into my neck.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too. I was just jealous of Diana cus you love her too." I say truthfully, looking to Diana.

"I'm sorry as well. I was just afraid Amanda was too reckless. I didn't want you to get hurt." Diana says, stroking Akko's back.

"I'm sorry, too, Amanda. I was wrong about you." she says as she hugs me and Akko tightly.

"You know what? I think this might actually work." I say with a grin as Akko holds Diana and I close.

"Yeah!" Akko says happily. "Who says three's a crowd?" she says, giggling.

We laugh, holding each other close, even me and Diana!

We almost lost our girl, but now we know we need her to stay together, to stay happy.

(Btw "Fudō Superu" is "floating spell" in Japanese XD)

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