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Okay so I'm gonna post a few that I really like/strongly believe in detail so you can skip this whole thing if you want or aren't interested.:


Diana is a futanari. AKA GURL GOTTA D*CK.

Let me explain. Diana's family, the Cavendishes, are known for life magic. Meaning they should know how to create life, right? Also, the Cavendish family is matriarchal. Meaning it's lead mainly by females or women. Now explain how, for hundreds of years, the Cavendishes have been matriarchal and yet haven't changed their last names because of their husbands? Answer? They don't have husbands. Not to say that every Cavendish woman married a female or their are no male Cavendishes by birth, I just think this is a logical reasoning behind it and also explains Diana's gentlemanly attitude in episodes 19 and 20 as well as throughout the series. Anyway more headcanons and reasonings!!!


Constanze has a reason she doesn't talk.

And I've heard a few headcanons explaining why so I'll put two I really like.:

1. Constanze can bring things to life with her voice. This explains why when Akko broke Stanbot Constanze seemed physically and mentally weaker without him. She's connected to him as her creation. Her voice brought him to life, so when he "died" it effected her negitavely, too.

2. Constanze simply struggles with depression/believes there's something wrong with her voice. Perhaps she just thinks it's better for everyone if she simply keeps her mouth shut. Who knows?


Akko. Is. GAY.

This one is the closest to being actually canon without being stated directly. Now I know in past one shots I've made Akko more bisexual but that was before I discovered this. In an interview, the shows creator states that Andrew was gonna be Akko's love interest until last second, where they decided "Akko just wasn't going to be interested in men at all." Implying that either she's Demi, Ace, Aro, or just a big phat lesbian.


Sucy has depression.

This is another one many people seem to believe and it's easy to see why. Sucy is very distant and rarely comes across as "happy" in the series. Even in the manga Sucy doesn't seem as cheery as the other characters. It's easy to see how some could believe she struggles with some form of depression issue(s).


Chariot and Croix used to date.

It's never confirmed in the show, yet many people speculate that during their school days or maybe during Chariots days as Shiny Chariot the two had some sort of romantic involvement. I personally love the idea of this as a major Charoix shipper yet it also makes a lot of sense. I mean, Croix knows Chariots weaknesses and Chariot spends most of the series reminiscing over their time together when they were younger. I'd find it hard to believe if they were confirmed not to have romantic history.


Akko is insanely smart.

Some people toss around the idea that outside of the witch world, Akko is actually really intelligent. Meaning she's great at things like math or history. She grew up her entire life around humans which explains why she comes across as "dumb" to her fellow witches. But let's not forget she literally learned English, the hardest language in the world to master, AFTER she heard she was accepted to Luna Nova. Now that takes some brains.


Akko is not an only child.

Some people also throw the idea on to the ring that Akko comes from a family of two or three kids as she doesn't seem to have many (or any, really) problems with sharing and doesn't seem to mind any major fights or arguments her friends have. This could possibly suggest she has a lot of cousins or perhaps a younger or older sibling of her own. I've also seen many users give the supposed sister the name "Azula" or "Asaki" so maybe she does have sisters and I just don't know? Either that or a lot of people are taking this idea from someone and claiming it as their own. (*cough cough* totally wasn't planning on doing that too. *cough*)


Amanda is an elemental witch.

More specifically, an earth elemental. She seems to have some sort of bond to nature, as well as her bright green eyes suggest something nature related unless I'm looking too deep into it. I like the idea that Amanda could be able to manipulate things like vines or flowers and such. It just sounds so cute for my bby Amanda!!!


That's all for now! Stay tuned for more updates as its a certain someone's birthday soon... (not mine but someone important to me... ya know what you'll see soon enough...)
Don't forget to vote and comment and have a totally awesome day y'all!!!

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