A dbdbsheshdydbdy and a caramel cream please...

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"Bye"yelled Millie rushing for the door. Belle looked up from the sofa, sensing Millie was late for another lecture the girl responded with a quick Bye as the blonde ran through the door. The girl smirked to herself but resumed trying to think what to wear for the Starbucks extravaganza normally, she would wear a dress but it was to formal on this occasion. On the other hand the trackies she was wearing seemed abit to tatty.

The girl glanced at the pingu clock Esme had picked up a toy shop for Millie;it read 1 o'clock! "Blimey"mumbled the girl to herself, jumping off the sofa and heading for her room in search of inspiration in the clothes department. This is were she wished she had seen Esme and Millie but Esme was out with Dan again and Millie had just bounded off to a lecture. The girl starred into her wardrobe. The girl then moved her attention to outside,it was quite dull and chilly for summer she thought to herself.

After about 45 minuets of choosing the girl selected some black skinny jeans with a creamy white jumper. She had matched her outfit with a brown leather satchel and some brown loafers. The girl added the final curls to her hair before picking up a bit of paper and writing Esme a note. It read 'pasta in fridge babe' leaving her room she left the note attached to a Ibiza magnet brought by Millie's nan. The girl checked herself out in the mirror before heading out of the door.

"1.90"muttered the grumpy bus driver taking Belle's change.The girl made her way up the bus to were a free seat was beckoning. The girl looked out the window as they drove past Vue and The Fort shopping centre.They were out of the rough area of Birmingham now,where Belle's flat was situated. It hadn't occurred to the girl yet that the Starbucks she was going to wasn't in the rough area.Maybe, Ethan wanted to seem classy thought Belle to herself. As the bus pulled up outside boots the girl got off the bus and headed down the road.

As the girl rounded a corner passing Jack Wills, she could see Ethan stood by Starbucks.The boy was taller than herself (much to her comfort) with a skinny yet muscular frame, his dirty blonde hair looked cute in a kind of tosseled style and he wore Nike trainers some jeans and a converse jumper."Hi" said the girl.

"Hi,Belle" he replied keenly "should we go in"

"Sure!" Responded the girl

After he had ordered something with a long and complicated name and she had requested the usual caramel cream, the pair sat on some green arm chairs near the window. "Are you here at uni" Belle asked unsure if she was being a little nosy.

"Yes"replied Ethan"I am reading drama,what about you"

"I am reading English and history, I was never good at drama" the girl joked

"Aww I am sure you were, how old are you" questioned the boy also unsure if it was too much too soon

"20" replied the girl "final year starts next September"

"Oh I am 22" said the boy" I have another 2 years I took a gap year"

"Aww" said the girl puzzled at how he had the money to take a gap year"I came fresh out of sixth form,were did you go to sixth form?"

"Surrey" replied the boy "you?"

"Ireland!" Responded the girl

After 3 hours chatting Ethan said "well Belle, you really are a nice girl, could I please have your number I don't want this to be the last time we talk. I would love to see you again. Maybe, I could take you out for dinner"

"Be my guest, thank you so much Ethan I can't wait!" She said smiling from ear to ear as she handed over a scrap of paper and exchanging it for his. With that the two embraced in a friendly hug before departing there different ways.

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