I have a double bed now

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I stood hugging Millie in the hallway. I had warmed to the idea of Millie leaving in some respects as I knew she was going to be so happy although me and Esme still felt the need to give Eddie a lecture about how he had to protect and care for her. Eddie laughed." She's only moving in with me she will still come see you crazy pair" he joked "or should I hold her captive in the bathroom and refuse to tell her see you"

"You do that I will castrate you" I teased.

"Oww you can see her I promise" he said.

I watched her go down the steps as the lift had broken again but a few seconds later she came running back. She handed me the key to our flat. I had to fight back tears but when I looked at her even she looked a bit tearful as she walked off. I went to my window and looked out I watched her and Eddie pull out of the parking lot. I couldn't fight back tears any longer. Esme had gone to a extra lecture so I was alone. I guess what scared me most was that Esme might move in with Dan who had recently brought his own a house in a outer suburb. That would leave me here alone. I had only been with Ethan 2 months well 3 In two weeks but I wasn't ready to move in yet. It could all fall apart anyway when he met Esme, Dan, Lauren, Matt, Eddie, Millie. Well he had briefly met Esme yesterday morning.

I had a great night last night we celebrated Millie leaving by going to Bella Italia were we got pizza well me Esme and Lauren did and Millie got "goldfish and chips". It wasn't goldfish really it was just she got it off the kids menu so they made the fish small chunks. I bullied her about it. We then had cookie dough desert and when the waitress asked us what flavour ice cream Lauren and Esme had caramel, Millie had vanilla on the spur of the moment I said "bubblegum". Everyone turned and stared at me. It was me that then got bullied.

We then went back to our beloved flat put some more bold outfits on. I put on coral hot pants a white crop top with a chunky necklace and white heels. Esme wore a short red dress with cut away sides, Millie had on some Jelly sandals a check crop top and a tight black skirt and Lauren had a orange skort with black crop top. We headed off to club lights. There we danced about crazily and several boys tried to hit on us but we were all taken so politely told them to bugger off by the time we left it was midnight but we headed home to watch a chick flick and by the time we got in bed it was 4 o'clock.

I walked back to my room as I was still in my pyjamas. I felt exceptionally groggy. My phone sat vibrating on the bed. I looked at it I read "Rupert". What ever did he want I wondered picking it up and saying hello.

"Hi" said Rupert cheerily.

"Hello, are you okay" I replied.

"Yeah I am fine thanks, you?"he answer. I was still wondering where this conversation was going.

"Yeah, slightly hungover but nothing major" I replied sleepily

"Oh dear"laughed Rupert "I was wondering if you felt up to coming for a dog walk .Tom and Jade have gone out and Ethan's at a lecture"

I was slightly confused why he would ask me to go with him but I accepted. After putting the phone down I hoped Ethan wouldn't think I was trying to get off with Rupert. I most certainly wasn't. I mean great friend but I was happy with Ethan. I had a quick shower to try and blow last nights cobwebs away before I straightened my hair applied some make up. I walked to the door grabbing Buttons lead and calling her to follow me. I locked the door and headed for the stairs when I saw a puddle on the stairs I stopped and looked down at it the roof was leaking but to my horror when I looked down I noticed I had only a towel on. I had forgotten to put any clothes on! I raced back inside before anyone saw me and went to my room where I found some skinny jeans, slip on canvas shoe's, a Gilly hicks vest top and a hoody. I left the room and went down the hall way but as I passed the living room were I saw Millie's pingu clock. I picked it up I could deliver it later. I chucked it in the back of the car and drove off.

When I got to Ethan's, Rupert was stood on the doorway. He came to greet me and explained he wanted someone to come with him as he had never walked Timber alone before and Tom wanted her to go off the lead but he was worried he might not be able to get her back. I smiled as we set off joking I could tell he only wanted the company really but it was nice to know that RUPERT GRINT saw me as enough of a friend to ask me to go on a walk with him.

We laughed the whole way through the park, past the creek and through the forest but I was still worried about that Ethan may think we were trying to get off with each other. I think Rupert sensed this and said to me " I asked him if it was okay. He said it was fine as long as we did nothing more than friends would." That reassured me as we began to loop back round to the house.

Rupert was becoming a good friend to me and so was Tom. I was so glad I had met them and I hoped the bowling trip worked out so we could all go to sundown together. As we got to the top of the park we had to try to catch the dogs it took 15 minuets to get them both on there leads before heading a short way around the corner to the house. I thanked Rupert for the walk and I was about to get in my car when he said "aren't you coming in" I accepted the offer and went inside Ethan was back now and he greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the chin.

I spent the afternoon in the hot tub with Ethan as Rupert had gone out by that point the hot tub was cute,it had little flowers round the edges that apparently Jade had put there it was tiled round the edges and was sunk into the ground. We had a bottle of wine on the side and there were little coloured lights in the water. Me and Ethan had such a nice afternoon peacefully bobbing about in the hot tub. I wondered whether he was busy tomorrow as I intended to move my stuff into Millie's old room. Millie's room was bigger than mine, Esme had the biggest. When we first rented the flat we had done heads or tails to see what room we got I got the tinniest room, I could only fit a single bed and a wardrobe in it. In Millie's room I had a double bed! I could also have a desk and a chest of draws.

"Hey" I said as we continued to touch each other under water as we had before"are you busy tonight"

"Yes" he replied. I felt slightly upset. He continued "because your going to ask me to do something and I am going to say yes"

I smiled "come round mine tonight! We can get ready for tomorrow together. Esme's round Dans so we would have the whole place to ourselves. I have a double bed now"I winked

"Cuddles in bed" teased Rupert randomly appearing behind before continuing up to the house with a tub of lemons. With that Ethan gently teased me under the water. I thought he was drowning me and till he put his lips to mine. We kissed underwater. It was perfect.

As we laughed our way inside I got changed back into my clothes, I had a bikini in the car as I had been intending to go swimming for weeks but hadn't got round to it. I sat on the sofa talking to Rupert while Ethan gathered something's together to take to mine. He came down the stairs about 15 minuets later with a rucksack. We said bye to Rupert and we would see him and the others tomorrow. I got in the car suddenly noticing the clock on the back seat. " is it okay if I drop this off at Millie's?" I asked pointing at the pingu clock. Ethan looked confused but nodded. "We always used to say she was pingu's number one fan girl as when we went round mine one day when we were 15 she wanted to watch pingu, course she was joking but we never let it go. When we moved here Esme went into a toy shop because she wanted to buy her nan a jigsaw puzzle, she saw it in the sale and brought it for Mil. She left it behind" I said as we pulled into to Millie's house. I went to the door had a 5 minute chat handed her the clock and left.

When we arrived back at my flat I cooked us some dinner before we watched some films and went to my new room which only contained a bed and a wardrobe. I put on some stripy pyjama bottom and a panda t shirt. I went into my room were Ethan was already in bed. I got in next to him which seemed to make him jump. "You okay?" I asked concerned all I had done was get in bed.

"I thought you were joking about sharing a bed" he said wrapping his arms round me and bringing me close to him and kissing me.

I felt confused "we don't have to" I said concerned.

"No" he replied in a instant" I have wanted to do this for a while! I just didn't know how to ask"

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