It didn't matter who saw us

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I woke to discover I was still in Ethan's arms. He kissed me. "Morning sweetie". After spending an hour cuddling in bed we decided to get up. I let him go have a shower first after explaining that the shower head had been mutilated by buttons so it was just like a tap. Esme had brought a new one but had left it around Dans so they were making do. I remade my bed while going back in to my room were all my clothes still were. I didn't know what to wear! I mean what would the others be wearing?

Ethan came out of the bathroom fully dressed in jeans and a casual shirt. Ethan always looked so hot in everything his dark blonde hair was tosseled and cute and his eyes were such a beautiful colour! I went in the shower and came out half an hour later. I decided I would curl my hair at the ends. It was being a pain like always but I persevered until I had achieved my goal. I then set to work on my make up softly applying a generous amount of mascara and lashings of eyeliner however I let my foundation be more sparse with just a touch of powder to minimise shine. I then chose some dark blue skinny jeans and a black vest top adding a white lace kimono type cardigan.

I headed down to the kitchen where a nice smell was coming. I turned in the kitchen to see my boy making me breakfast! He had made me waffles with blueberries, strawberries,raspberry and blackberries. He had topped it with yogurt and honeycomb pieces he had also made me a mango,cherry and berry smoothie. He kissed me before directing me to the living room were a little not was positioned in my spot.

To Princess

I want to treat my girl! I want to buy you something's I don't even care what, I will even go to the counter and buy you tampons!

Love Ethan xx

I thought it was funny he should want to buy me tampons, Millie had once asked Eddie to get her some but he bottled it. I thought it was cute but he didn't mean it I knew he would bottle it to. He brought my breakfast through and after we finished he insisted on taking me into town before we went to Pinns so when we finished our delicious breakfast. I got my bag and we set off in the car I let Ethan drive the clio. As we pulled up at the fort Ethan began asking me what I wanted. I kept saying nothing so he cleverly asked me which jack wills top I had been eyeing up.

When we got to Jack Wills I pointed out the coral pink t shirt it had a little pocket with a white bird on. He found a size 8 and went and brought it for me. It was in the sale actually for £14 so he said I had to have something else. Then he remembered the jeans I had seen in miss Selfridge and brought them for me. I was blown away by his generosity! I kept offering to buy him stuff but he kept saying today was his princess's' day. We then went into superdrug where he said to me " if I remember the name of the nail varnish brand you love can I buy you 3?"

" yes" I said knowing he wouldn't guess

But to my annoyance he instantly replied "Barry m Gelly". He got me three one called Papaya one called Kiwi and one called Sugerapple. He brought them and put them in my Jack wills Bag as we walked out of the shop he suddenly said "here I want you know I would do ANYTHING for you! I want you to know I am not scared to show I am your man if you need something I get it so"he said leading me over to a isle "I saw a particular packet in your room it was half empty"he scanned the isle"these ones.Am I correct"he said waving around the familiar orange packet. I was waiting for him to give me the money and tell me to go buy some but he took two packets walked to the counter and brought them not afraid he was being served by a man giving him a weird look. He put them in my bag before I hugged him and said "OMG you actually just did that"

"Yep"he said as though every guy would have done it

I couldn't answer I just snogged him. We then had Millie's cookies and milkshake which again he paid for. We sat in the middle of The fort just attached to each other. It didn't matter who saw us. Up until now we had both kept it low key and secret only best friends knew but now it felt like the world knew. It felt good I was so proud of my boy and I wanted the world to know I was proud of my boy.

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