Buried so hard in the dark

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I could feel my legs shaking. My whole body ached. I had quite a lot of of bruises which I couldn't remember getting. Oh well I thought to myself. I collapsed the decking of the balcony. I heard people screaming my name but I didn't know why. I felt so sick. I tired to stand but my head was spinning and I could feel myself tensing up. I stuttered some rubbish that I think said "home going no". My phone started ringing but it was out of reach.

"Should I answer it" muttered Ethan

" think yes" I answered. He picked it up and put it on speaker I could hear Zoe's voice from here.

" Belle are you okay I have just had to take Leah up the hospital! The marry was contaminated and you had more than Lee and Leah is struggling. Belle they think it's unlikely she will survive! Belle are you okay. Belle......"

"Clucking hell" I muttered. I began to cry and then I closed my eyes. The world had stopped spinning now but it was dark and cold my whole body was shaking. I was frothing at the mouth.

Millie's POV

" Belle-end what have you done" I uttered running up to where she lay"I think we should call an ambulance but first drive her out of here. Get her to the flats or something"

"Why take her to the flats" asked Tom

"If it leaks out that you have a casual druggy girl in your house the press will soon spread that. It would ruin your career" I replied

"I will do it as long as it does not endanger her life!" Cried Ethan. We all looked at him and we could see he was crying. Openly crying.

"Right come on Esme. It's got to be us. Tom,Jade and Rupert have to much to lose if they get involved, Lauren and Matt should stay here because there the strong connection we can use and Ethan your an emotional wreck. You don't need to see your girlfriend slowly dying of some drug she should never have took" I cried.

Esme nodded. Dan hugged her " your the bravest girl I know" he whispered. Eddie wished me luck. This was it we had to hand her in and admit we were losing her. As we carried her out to the car her phone rang again. Rupert picked it up this time

"Belle" cried Zoe. " Leah's gone, she died Belle please tell me your okay. Please!"

"She's faint, sick and collapsed were taking her up the hospital" uttered Dan bravely

Zoe cut the phone of crying.

"Why did she even take it" asked Rupert

"I think we all know that" added Tom we all looked at him intrigued.

"She's been buried so hard in the dark, she finally beats it comes out sees the world sees happiness and wants to be happy. She sees what makes others happy. She wants to forget everything. Now she's clean she wants to live the life she missed. She's just got to find herself" he answered

He had a point I thought as I drove the Clio up towards boxwood flats. I then rang the ambulance. I explained the situation. When a bleach blonde girl walked around the corner. She had obviously been running. She stopped in front of us where she stuttered.

" I told them not to do it, I told them. I said they were being stupid but Belle was like I want to live again forget my past. I don't know were Lee got it from but she's smoked it for ages Belle usually smokes menthol with her but not marry. She was so upset she wasn't thinking straight. Don't blame her or Lee. I should have stopped them"

"Look we don't blame anyone okay yes were angry but that's just life she was going to lose the plot at some point everyone knew it! Calm down" Esme retaliated " go home and calm down is it Zoe" the girl nodded before walking off.

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