The game

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{this chapter is dedicated to Harelow17 and EstelleQUEEN111 Thanks for the dares}

KyKy's P.O.V

BYE GUYS!!! Lucy:Your leaving already?!? Yeah I have stuff to do ships to sail. Mira:Good luck! GOOD LUCK WITH LAXUS!!!

I made sure everyone could hear that before I teleported myself to Rikka's room. I'll just surprise her.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Rikka's P.O.V

I'm walk into my room to find KyKy passed out on my bed. Of Course one of them is here. I went to my desk and started reading.

It's been about an hour and KyKy's waking up. KyKy:GOOD MORNING RIKKA!! You seemed tired. KyKy:Yep but I have a game and I've already invited Everyone.

Why do I get a bad feeling? KyKy:I have NO idea. We walk downstairs and someone rings the door bell. KyKy:I'll Get It!!! She jumps over the couch and opens the door.

Who is it? KyKy:Hi guys! Maya, Clara, Natalie, and Mackenzie come in. Why're you guys here? Maya:KyKy said that you were sick and that you could die at any given second.

KyKy:ANYWAY sit down everyone. We walk to the couch and sit down but KyKy goes outside for a second. She's suspicious. Maya:Agreed but hanging out with her is good because she's not here all the time.

{meanwhile outside}

KyKy:Ok Ira real quick I dare you to play The opposite game for the rest of the game. Ira:WHAT?!? KyKy:What was that Ira? Ira:..."YAY"!!!

{back incside}

KyKy walks inside with Ira which is weird because normally he'd teleport inside. Ira you ok? Ira:N-. He stops talking and I glimpse at KyKy who hits the back of his head.

Ira:Yes. Whatever you say. KyKy:Ok Everyone except for Rikka come here. They huddle in a circle but when they come out Maya's trying not to laugh.

KyKy:Ok today we're playing Truth Or Dare. Maya:Yes!!! No!!! KyKy:So first off Truth or Dare everyone? TRUTH!!! Maya:Come on Rikka Dare won't be that bad.

With KyKy I'm sure it will be. KyKy:Ok guys if your friends were hanging off a cliff who would you save. Well the only one who wouldn't be able to save themselves would be Maya so I guess I'd save her.

Maya:I'd Save Rikka! Clara:I think I'd save Sebastian. Mackenzie:Maya. Natalie:My grandma! KyKy:What about you Ira I'll even pause the game for your answer. Ira:Rikka.

KyKy:Ok unpause. Who would you save? KyKy:You'd be surprised but all my friends could save themself except for one of them who went on a mission and got killed.

That's horrible!!! KyKy:Yeah but I got over it a while ago. Maya:So who's turn now? Well since she asked all of us I guess we ask her.

Maya:Ok! Mackenzie:Truth or Dare? KyKy:Dare I guess. Maya:I dare you to go into the Fairy Tail world and tell all the girls your mate.

KyKy:BUT ERZA-!!! I cut her off. A dare is a dare now go. KyKy:FINE. She jumps in a portal and comes back a few minutes later.

KyKy:I hate you all. We love you too. KyKy:Truth or Dare? Maya:Dare! KyKy:You all have to be locked in a room with the person you hate!

Well fuck you too KyKy. Wow didn't you already do that with Ira though. Maya:Haha she got you. KyKy:Anyway Let's go.

KyKy locks everyone in separate rooms with the people they hate. After a few hours she lets us out and we head our separate ways....except for me I live here.

Yeah it's short but it's something.

*To BE DELETED SOON* ℳ𝒶𝓎𝒷𝑒 (Rikka/RachelXIra) Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now