The end of My beautiful vacation

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Rikka's P.O.V

One I finish my shower I change clothes then open the door to reveal myself. Ira goes in as I exit so I sit on the bed and play games on my phone.

Time skip to after....

"There now I'll give you two choices Ira either we wait till it's time to go OR we go to sleep and set and alarm to wake us up?" I Ask. "Number two." Ira Said as he put up two fingers.

"Don't think anything is gonna happen I said SLEEP." I Remind him but Since it was 11:35 I set the alarm for 3:30a.m. "Goodnight Ira." I Said with a yawn as I plopped on the bed again.

"Goodnight." He added as He hugged me from behind and I almost fell asleep. Then the door flies open and I jump out of surprise. "RIKKA!" Maya Yelled. "Surprise!" Clara adder whirl shooting a tiny confetti thing.

"Last day of Vacation! Sadly..." Mackenzie Said as I look at them and then realize their staring at something. "Why're you here I'm trying to sleep?" I Ask.

"Well we were here to congratulate you on keeping Ira away so you don't get in trouble...but here he is." Clara Said with a disapproving sigh.

"Be quiet he's sleeping." I Said as I put a finger to my lips Then I somehow got out've his grasp and sat them in some of the seats in the other room.

"You sleep together now?" Maya Asks in surprise. "It doesn't matter,why're you guys here?" I Ask again. "We already told you but now you have to tell us why you lied." Mackenzie Said with a frown.

"Man I forgot about that...Ok so here's the thing I like Ira a lot...and I just couldn't tell him not to come." I Said as nicely as possible cause I didn't wanna Yell angrily at them.

"Well he has been acting good how'd you get him to do that?" Clara Asks curiously so I blush and look away. "I don't wanna talk about it." I Said as I twiddled my thumbs.

"What could be more embarrassing than sharing a bed with Ira?" Mackenzie Asked while narrowing her eyes at me. God I knew she hated him and all but she could try to be nicer it was King Mercinare not Ira.

"I said I don't wanna talk about it." I restate before I push them out the room and lock the door. "Why me?" I ask myself with a sigh as I walk and get back in bed so Ira wrapped his hands around my waist again.


"Get up Ira it's time to go." I Said as I poked him. "3 more minutes?" He asked tiredly. "No just get up you don't have to turn invisible." I Said while pushing him off the bed.

"Ow!? Fine." He Said as He gets up and opens the bathroom door. "Don't take to long we have to leave now." I Said as I changed clothes quickly and put my hair in a ponytail.

When he gets out I grab his arm and run down to the train station. Once we arrive we both leap onto the train before taking our seats. "We made it!" I Said as the girls glare at Ira.

"Enough!" I Said defensively. "Of What?" Mackenzie Asked rudely so I narrowed my eyes at her. "The glaring that's what." I Said. "Remember what I said Ira I will break you if you hurt her." Clara restated So Ira Made Sure He was slightly hidden behind me.

"I remember because it gave me nightmares." Ira Said. "No need to worry unless you hurt her." Maya added. "Will you three stop?" I Said to them so They look at each other one last time before they apologize to me.

"Now let's just have peaceful ride back." I Said with a smile before They all agree and doze off.


"Ok guys we're back!" I shout happily as I jump off the train with Ira not far behind me. "Bye guys!" I shouted as I was about to walk home with Ira when the girls stopped me.

"Hey Rikka wanna have a sleepover with us?" Maya asks. "Sorry I can't maybe tomorrow." I Said with an apologetic smile. "Aww ok see ya later." Maya said Sadly as she looked like she was about to burst into tears.

They walk away while rubbing her back and Ira grabs my hand. "Let's go I'm excited!" He said as we ran to my house. I went in while I greeted my mom, and Ira teleported upstairs.

"How've you been sweetie?" My mom Asks So I smile. "I'm fine mom just tired,don't you have work?" I Ask. "Yeah they said I could be a little late to make sure you come home safe." She explains.

"Ok well bye mom love you." I Said as I have her a hug. "Bye Rikka!" Bye Rikka She Said as she hugged back before leaving for work and I walk upstairs to see Ira smirking at me.

"I don't remember why I ever agreed to this." I admitted As I mentally face palm before Ira pushed me up to the wall and pulls me into a deep kiss.

"I was-n't re-ady ye-t." I stuttered. "Too bad you made me wait." he said before we both felt a presence so He was about to say something when Marmo appeared.

"Sorry am I interrupting something." She asked and was smirking as I turned about 75 shades of red. "Go away Marmo!" It's Yelled angrily.

"Nope Bel wants you to return to the base you've been gone so long." She Said with a smirk. "But...You'll pay for this Marmo...Goodbye Rikka." He Said with a sigh so I kissed him before he teleported away with Marmo.

With Ira...

3rd person P.O.V

When Ira and Marmo returned there was a giant screen in the bar. "What's that for?" Ira Asks as he points at the giant screen. "It's a camera I put in your little girlfriends room so we know WHAT your doing." Marmo Said.

"I need you to explain this." Bel Said demandingly as He rewinds the tape. "Too bad you made me wait.". "I'm not explaining that it's none of your business." Ira said as He crossed his arms.

"Even Though it includes you being gone for a week?" Bel Asks. "I went on a trip." Ira said. "To where? Without Me?" Marmo Asks in a slightly offended tone. "I don't remember." Ira lies.

"You'll remember if we play this for king mercinare." Bel threatens. "DON'T DO THAT!?" Ira Yells. "Why? you don't want everyone to know that you've been doing stuff with a pretty cure?" Marmo Asks.

"I don't wanna be fired!?" Ira Yelled. "Should've thought of that." Marmo Said witha frown. "Please don't do it. I'll stop calling you grandma." Ira pleaded.

"Promise?" Marmo Asks again so They promised and Ira took the video before he broke it then teleported back to Rikka's room. He broke the camera in her room with a proud expression.

Rikka's P.O.V

I hear noises behind me so I turn around and Ira's breaking some type of camera...OH GOD NOT AGAIN. "Hi Ira." I Said as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Hey Rikka,Can I have my reward tomorrow?" He Asks.

"I guess since Marmo interrupted I'll let you do it tomorrow." I Said with a sigh as I got out the bed and threw my arms around Ira's neck pulling him into a deep kiss. After I released him and say goodnight he teleports away.

I lay back in bed and immediately fall asleep again.

To be continued...

*To BE DELETED SOON* ℳ𝒶𝓎𝒷𝑒 (Rikka/RachelXIra) Book oneWhere stories live. Discover now