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Taehyung pov

Today was just another average day. Nothing special, I thought. I woke up at 7AM and quickly got out of bed to start my usual morning routine.

Once I was ready I grabbed my phone and plugged my earphones in and put on my favourite song. 'Last breath by Eevee'. I sighed and walked up the stairs to the hall and stood still in front of a door. I knocked on it twice, earning no reaction.

I gently took my earphones out and knocked once again.

''I'm off to school. I'll be home soon.''

Again, no reaction. I sighed loudly, shook my head and made my way back downstairs.

I grabbed my jacket and got out of my house. the cold wind immediately hit my head, causing me to shiver slightly. I turned up the volume of my music and started walking. I was so focused on the song that I didn't notice someone running into my direction until they bumped into me.

''Oh! I'm so sorry!'' a girl with a sweet voice said and covered her mouth when she saw me lying on the floor.

It was her.

I recognised her voice immediately, obviously. Her voice was the most beautiful voice in the entire world. I could listen to it all day without getting bored.

She reached out her hand and our fingers intertwined perfectly. It felt meant to be, which it was. Of course. I just smiled at her, but my heart was beating so fast. I tried my best to control myself in front of the girl I have been in love with as long as I can remember.

''Are you hurt?'' she says and scratches the back of her head. Her eyes sparkle and her beautiful smile makes it hard for me to control myself any longer. But I had to. ''I'm so so sorry... I... I didn't see you''

''Don't worry, love. I'm fine'' I said and smirked, causing her to blush. She cleared her throat and went through her beautiful, silky hair with her pretty fingers.

''I should probably go now... Maybe i'll see you at school.'' she says and turns around to walk to school ''oh, my name is Y/n, by the way.''

''Taehyung'' I respond with a smile. She nods and starts running to school. Looks like she's in a hurry? I'm glad I made the principal change my classes so I will be in her classes everyday.

Don't worry, my love. Soon I will be the only person you see for the rest of my life.

Y/n pov

''Taehyung'' he said and looked at me with the sweetest smile ever. I'm sure every girl would melt if he looked at them like that!

I've never really seen that Taehyung guy around at school, maybe once or twice. You would expect him to be super popular and have many friends, but it's not like that at all. He only has 6 friends and when he's with them, he barely ever talks. at least that's what it looks like.

Taehyung's friend group is very popular though, they're the most popular guys at school! People at school call his friend group BTS and if you mention Jungkook, Jin, Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon or yoongi you could surely make a girl faint.

People always say Taehyung is odd. He always has this, 'dead' and cold face expression and No one's ever been to his house. Does that make him odd? Maybe he's just not comfortable with having people at his house. Or maybe his parents aren't comfortable with it. About the face expression though... I'm not sure.

Taehyung pov

It was time for English class. Definitely the worst subject at school. My friend, Namjoon, has tried to help me get better at it. Whenever he tried to help me I wasn't able to concentrate. My Y/n always distracted me.

She's just sitting there, talking to her friends. Do you think she still remembers me? of course, we only met this morning. She looks so beautiful in the school uniform and the way her hair gently falls onto her shoulders.. the way she smiles and the way she talks. It's all so beautiful to me.

I adore her.

My thoughts got interrupted by the bell ringing and everyone immediately stood up, wanting to leave this horrible class as fast as possible.

''Y/N?'' I said softly, not expecting her to hear it, while walking up to her. She smiled at me and and looked at me with her beautiful big eyes.

''So.. finals are coming up and I'm really bad at English.. And I've been told that you're really good at it.. Could you help me, please?'' I asked her while looking at the ground.

''Of course! I have to make it up to you anyway! I bumped into you this morning, remember?'' she laughed and started to blush slightly.

Of course I do.

I just smiled and nodded.

''When are you free? We could go to my place.. or maybe yours?'' she asked.

''Yours, please.'' I said immediately. I've had a crush on Y/N for as long as I can remember. I've been.. well.. stalking her? I don't know if I can call it stalking. I just broke into her house a few times. I took some pictures of her and made some drawing of her, cute right? She's not allowed to know, though. I'll show her soon, when she's mine.

''Alright!'' she said happily ''just come to my locker at 3PM... I'm sorry you obviously don't know which locker is mine''.

I do actually.

''I have locker 320, just come there at 3pm'' she said. I nodded and she walked away, back to her friends.

My beautiful Y/N.. I can't believe I can finally spend some time with you... alone. You'll be mine really soon. I can't wait.


I just rewrote this chapter and I cringed so much lol. I hope it's a bit better now. I might end up changing it again... but this is good for now.

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