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Taehyung pov

It was the next day. I woke up and immediately got out of bed, changed my clothes and ran down to the basement.

''Goodmorning, Jimin'' I said and smirked at Jimin who had his eyes half open

''How'd you sleep?''

''What are you going to do with me'' Jimin scoffed and tries to get loose of the rope again. ''People are going to miss me at school today''

''You think they're gonna 'miss' you, Jimin? They won't, believe me.'' I said and walked towards him, kneeling down in front of him and looked into his eyes. ''You were about to take something that's mine, now, I'm going take something that's yours''

I grab his hand and snap his fingers back. The noise of his fingers breaking was loud and disgusting. Jimin's painful screams fill the room and he starts breathing loudly.

''WHEN IS THIS GONNA BE OVER TAEHYUNG?!'' he screamed when looking me in the eyes.

''Tomorrow'' I said, stood up and went up the stairs, going to school.

The principal walks into the classroom with a concerned look on his face and lets out a deep sigh while standing in front of thr class.

he gets a small paper out of his jacket and clears his throat before starting to read out loud.

''Can I have everyones attention, please? Since last night.. Park Jimin has been missing. He didn't get home after he left school. The police is looking for him and if you find any signs of him.. please report it immediately, every kind of help is welcome.'' he nods and walks out of the classroom

Damn. After one day already? I'm impressed.

I hear everyone whispering to each other, some people start crying a little and some just stare at the wall with a shocked face. I turn around and see Y/N, she looks very... sad. Why? Why does she care about him? I don't think I've ever seen them talk.

I sigh and sink in my chair. I have to be here for Y/N now... I don't mind. This wasn't even a part of my plan but now I can take care of her and show her I'm a good person and that I care a lot about her! If I show her this then she will fall in love with me, right?

The only problem here is Jimin.

I have to get rid of him tomorrow so no one tries to find out where he is... then i'll finally be the only person she sees every day.

''Taehyung?'' I hear a quiet voice say i turn around and see that it's Fin.

''Why are you... smiling? Did something good happen? I'd love to hear some positive news after the news about Jimin...'' he says and sighs softly.

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