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Hello! I'm so sorry for not updating, but some personal stuff is taking so much energy. I promise I'll try to update more often. I made this chapter a little bit longer, because i haven't updated in so long :). Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Y/N pov

I open my eyes and groan. I try to get up, but my body is aching as if someone had beaten me up but I didn't have any bruises. I look at the clock.

6:07 AM

I look to the side and all the memories of last night fly through my head. ''Taehyung..'' I whisper ''what do I do? I can't tell him I know what's going on... He has to think I forgot about everything. I-I'm sure he kills me if he finds out I know.''

I stand up, trying ignoring the pain I feel in my body. I walk to the closet and grab the school uniform out of it and put it on. Taehyung had planned everything. Why else would he have girl school uniforms in his closet?

I looked into the mirror and let out a loud sigh. ''I don't understand..'' and I didn't, I didn't understand it at all. Taehyung and I barely ever spoke to each other, god knows why, so I don't understand how he has developed such a strong obsession for me. ''obsession..'' I whisper and I feel a knot in my stomach as if I was going to throw up. I was. I covered my mouth and grabbed the first trashcan I saw and let it all out.

Tears start streaming down my face. ''what is wrong with me?'' I thought ''why would he do this to me? He can't possibly 'love' me.''

I decide to just ignore it and dry my tears. I couldn't get rid of him, because what if he comes after me if I reject him?

I walk through the door to the kitchen. I figured he'd be there since I could smell food. Even though he was some sick psycho, he was a good cook, I had to admit that. I looked at him with a blank facial expression. He didn't notice me, but I was staring at him.

His back was facing me and I could hear him hum some songs and a few words escaped his lips. He looked so peaceful, so pure and... innocent. As if he couldn't hurt anybody, ever, even if he'd try. But this wasn't him. He was an obsessive stalker, a psychopath.

The flashbacks of last night made me feel sick. I take a few steps back and accidentally hit the door, causing that to hit the wall and Taehyung turns around.

''Goodmorning, love'' he says and he gives me his boxy smile and his brown eyes look at me in a sweet way. My heart starts beating faster and no, not because of his adorable smile.

''H-Hello'' I stutter and force a smile before sitting down.

''I see you found the uniforms? I bought them for you.''

''For me? Why?'' I say and start playing with my fingers ''did you know I was coming here?''

Stupid question.

Taehyungs eyes darken and his smile turns into a smirk.

''No'' he scoffs and turns around, continuing to make breakfast for the two of us.

''Taehyung?'' I ask and he makes a loud 'mhm' noise ''I saw something last night. Pictures of m-me.'' The last word comes out as a whisper and I immediately regret saying it. I see taehyung stiffens and he doesn't turn around. At that moment a phone starts ringing and I recognize the ringtone.

My Phone.

I hear taehyung sigh and he walks over to a little cabinet and gets my phone out of it. I look at his face. He looks at the phone, reading the name of whos calling me. His body freezes and his eyes move every second as if he just saw a dead body.

He clenches his jaw and throws my phone on the floor.

''Why would you do that?!'' I scream and run over to my phone. I pick it up only to find out the glass is completely broken. ''Taehyung! Answer me! Answer all my damn questions!'' my heart is beating incredibly fast.

Am I really doing this? Am I really getting mad at the person who keeps dead bodies in his house?

''Don't you get it Y/N?! Have you never realised how much I love you? I've been through so much just so we could be with each other! Alone! I tortured my own best friend and I killed a police officer! Why can't you just LOVE me?!'' Taehyung screams.

My heart broke. Wait, why did it? Did I not hear what he just said?

''You don't know what its like to see you with other guys. You don't know anything'' he balls his fists and punches another cabinet, causing the glass to break. ''why do you not wanna be with me? I will do anything for you! Please, stay with me. If we stay here nobody can find us! We'll be together forever.''

''T-Taehyung please..'' I start but he walks towards me, I take a few steps back. ''Don't touch me.'' I whisper and he looks at me with a sad gaze. He shakes his head and his eyes immediately change. They're not sad anymore, they look angry, furious.

''We are skipping school today'' he says with a deep voice and he pushes me against the wall. He looks into my eyes before smashing his lips against mine. My hands make its way to his chest, trying to push him away, but I failed.

He grabs my wrists aggressively and presses his body against mine.

Taehyung pov

''Stop talking to Kaga'' I whisper in her ear when I break the kiss and look into her eyes. She didn't reply, probably trying to figure out what just happened. The kiss felt so perfect, she must have felt it too. There's no other way and she knew it.

''W-What?'' she says and tries to get loose of my grip.

''I said, stop talking to Kaga''

She frowns her eyebrows and looks away.

''Do you have feelings for him?'' I ask and my voice cracks. I grab her chin and make her look at me. ''Do you?''

Y/N pov

I do. I do have feelings for Kaga, but how was I supposed to tell taehyung? Kaga has been my best friend for so long. He's always been here for me, but he never felt the same. Well, I don't think he does.

''N-No'' I gulp and press my lips hard against each other. I tried my best to sound confident, but it looks like Taehyung isn't gullible at all, of course not.

''So you like him'' his voice is deeper than before, colder and more heartless. ''I knew it. I knew if I let you get too close to him you would start to like him, that's why I have to kill him.''

The words echo through my head and I don't even realise Taehyung let go of me. My body collapses on the ground and I couldn't do anything, my body felt lifeless.

''I killed him.''

Taehyung pov

''what does he have that I don't have?'' I whisper to myself and walk circles through the cold room upstairs ''Mom, Dad, what did you guys give him that you weren't able to give me? I don't understand.''

I sit down in the room and let out a loud sigh. My chest hurts, is this what a heartbreak feels like?

''Y-You guys gave him everything!'' I raise my voice and run my hands through my hair and start pulling on it ''every single thing! Everything he wanted, you guys gave it to him! He got everything... EVERYTHING! He took everything away from me... and now.. the only thing I've ever wanted.. he took it again.''

I punch the floor once before standing up and run out of the room and run to the kitchen.

''Y/N.,'' I whisper when seeing her on the ground. I grab her hand and help her stand up. She's pale and her eyes are barely open, but I know she can hear me.

''Come'' I say ''I want you to meet my brother.''

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