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Taehyung pov

''No, I don't know anything about Park Jimin, we aren't even friends.'' I say pissed off ''can I leave now? I told you everything I know''

The police officer just stares at me, tapping the end of his pen against his filthy lips.

''We'd like to go to your house'' he says and leans on the table with his elbows, looking at me as if I committed a crime.

''Don't you need a permit for that? You don't have any permission to go inside my house.'' I say and look him in the eyes.

"Did you forget I'm a police officer, Kim Taehyung?'' he says and leans back into his chair, laughing a little ''I can get one really easy''

I chuckle and nod while tilting my head slightly, trying to read the name that's on the button which is attached to his uniform.

''Alright, have fun at my house, police officer.. Mike Anderson.''

''What if we just go right now?'' Mike says, smirking a little ''do you really think a permit is necessary?''

''There's nothing you have to hide from us, right? You can show us your house now, right?''

I start laughing and my eyes sparkle.

He really thinks he got me.

''I feel like you're hiding something, Taehyung. Your tesne posture, the way you laugh, how you don't want me to come to your house.'' he says and I purse my lips.

''Maybe I just don't want any filthy parasites in my house. What's wrong about that?''

Mike laughs at my response, eyes closing slightly and his body leaning towards me again.

''I looked into your files and.. your dad..''

''Don't.'' I say and look at him. My body starts to tense up and I swallow thickly.

''Awh.. Did little Taehyung used to get hit by his dad?'' Mike says ''is that why you did this to someone innocent? Making someone feel the same pain you used to feel?''

I clench my jaw and dig my nails into my skin really hard, causing it to bleed.

''Lets go to my house.'' I say and immediately stand up, causing my chair to fall.

Mike just laughs and stands up, opening the door for me and we walk towards the police car.

I grab my keys and put them in the keyhole, causing me to unlock my front door. I make my way inside, Mike following me and I turn around, facing him. I smirk when seeing his eyes showing a little bit of fear.

''Is there anywhere you wanna go, police officer? Still think I'm guilty?''

Mike steps inside and looks around before my eyes meet his again.

''Parents aren't home?''


''No'' I simply say and clear my throat ''I don't know where they are. They could be in Europe for all I care.''

Mike simply nods and breaks the eye contact before his eyes fall on the only door inside the house that has a lock on it.

''Open that'' he says and points at the door with the lock on it.

''You want to go to the basement?'' I laugh at him, but he doesn't crack a smile.

''Alright'' I chuckle and walk towards the door, I open it and step aside.

''Ladies go first'' I say smiling and point towards the stairs.

Mike mutters something under his breath and starts walking down the stairs.

''You know... Police officer... there was nothing to find in my house, but you're getting pretty boring!'' I say and my voice gets darker.

''Excuse me?!'' he replies and turns around, facing me.

''Why don't you sit down?'' I say and point at the chair in the middle of the small room.

It was the same chair Jimin sat on. Spots of dry blood staining the wooden chair.

He just looks at me, dumbfounded.

''Can't you hear me?'' I say a little louder.

''I can hear you perfectly fine, Taehyung. I'm just speechless because some little rat is trying to tell me, a police officer, what to do.''

I sigh and show him the knife I had hidden inside the pocket of my jacket.

''Christ almighty... I wanted to have a little fun with you, but you're just getting on my last nerve!''

Mike's eyes get bigger and immediately grabs for his gun.

''Looking for your gun, officer?'' I say and show him his gun that I stole when he walked down the stairs. I look at it and chuckle.

''Why would you even take a gun with you, pretty stupid if you ask me. Do you take guns everywhere? Officer?''

''What if some psychopath steals it one day!''

Mike looks at his belt where the gun was attached to before my eyes meet his. The only thing he had taken with him for protection was his gun... Why would he even take protection with him in the first place?

''Don't worry, it'll be quick'' I scoff.

''Please, taehyung, please d-don't do this'' he begs and holds his hands in the air ''i-i won't tell anyone what you did and w-what happened, i promise. I'm s-sorry for what I said to you earlier.''

''You should have thought this through earlier, Officer. It's just too late now.''

''Like my dad always said to me; ''Some people deserve to die.'''

I laugh and point the gun at Mike and pull the trigger.

The loud bang of the gun fills the room and Mike falls onto the ground, lifeless.

I kneel down in front of him and look at his face, softly touching the place where I shot him.

''Gotta get rid of this sack of bones now'' I sigh and look at his dead body. "Agh.. I'll just let Jungkook deal with this. I'm sick of being around people, I'm going to get Y/N. Tomorrow."

With that said I texted Jungkook, telling him he had to clean up the mess I had made.

I made my way upstairs and walked into the bathroom, starting to get ready for bed. I sigh loudly before washing the blood off my hands and brushing my teeth before walking into my bedroom. I quickly change my clothes and finally get in bed.

My hand makes it way through my hair and I let it rest on my chest, where my heart is.

"Don't worry, my love. You'll be mine tomorrow."


Hey! Do you like it so far? And do you have any ideas for next parts? I really wanna thank everyone who votes on parts of my story, it makes me feel really happy, honestly.

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