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Hi! So basically, I think I'm going to be uploading a new chapter every Friday.. I might fail idk, but I'll try! Oh and thanks to everyone who votes and comments on the chapters, it means a lot to me.

I hope you enjoy this chapter :)


Y/N pov

''Come, I want you to meet my brother.''

''No.'' I say, my voice cracks and I look at his brown eyes. There is absolutely no sign of softness in there, the sweet Taehyung had completely disappeared and I doubt he'll ever come back.

Taehyung tenses up. I could see he was trying his best to control himself, but honestly, I didn't care what he did anymore. One way or another, he'd lose himself and take his 'anger' or whatever it was, out on me.

My thoughts get interrupted by the doorbell ringing and my heart starts beating faster. Why would he want me to meet his brother?

''Y/N... A few days ago, I texted my brother and told him to come over'' he grins at me before walking to the door ''We aren't close, at all. In fact, I despise him.''

He sighs and holds onto the doorknob and turns around to look at me.

''I knew he'd come over... Only if I'd mention you.'' He smirks and opens the door.

My breath hitches when I see who's standing behind the door. The person I've known for almost my entire life.


''K-Kaga..'' I whisper and I see him trying to run towards me, but Taehyung immediately stops him and locks the door.

''What the hell did you do to her?!'' he cries out and looks at Taehyung.

''Do you not remember me, Kaga?'' Taehyung says and tilts his head. ''Do you not even remember your own brother?''

Taehyung pov

I see Kaga's body stiffen, he doesn't say anything. Probably dumbfounded.

'' N-No... This can't be'' he whispers and I see him trying to hold back his tears.

''Don't cry.'' I say and my voice is deep and full of anger ''don't cry after what you did to me.''

''I don't believe you. Why would you tell me such pathetic lies? I can't believe you, Taehyung. I can't believe you wanted me to come to your stupid house only so you can try to make me believe we are siblings. I knew you were disgusting, but I never thought you'd go this low.'' He gulps and turns around when hearing my voice.

''Damn..'' I breathe out ''did our parents brainwash you so bad you can't even remember me?! You can't even remember your own damn brother?''

''YOU'RE LYING!'' he shouts and his voice cracks, his eyes are big and he's breathing loud. He just looks at me, narrowing his eyes while trying to read mine. He recognized me. He knew I was right, but he tried to avoid the truth. He tried to shut out our memories, out of his head.

My hand moves to the back of my jeans and I get a little card out of my pocket and show it to Kaga. It was us when we were around 7 years old, we looked happy, but this was all before Kaga betrayed me.

This picture was taken before everything got ruined and he knew that. He knew this was the last picture that got taken before he left me alone and miserable.

He looks at the picture and then at me, trying to see if the guy in the picture next to him actually looks like me. His eyes get bigger, probably because he realized it's really me. I'm actually his brother.

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