Twenty five

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Taehyung pov





So much fucking blood.

My brown eyes getting indulged in the dark crimson liquid as I stare at her in disgust. It was cold and I started to shiver in rage. There was just so much anger. So much sadness. And so much pain.

All caused by you.

It was your fault. You brought this upon yourself and now you had to live with all of it.

There was nothing I could do about it. All I did was love you. I loved you more than anyone would ever be able to. All you had to do was be grateful and love me back.

You. Such an airhead. Such a naïve little girl.

You're the one who ended your life. It wasn't me.

Hoseok pov

We walked and searched the house for what felt like hours, finding no trail of anything or anyone. We called for Taehyung, Y/n and Jungkook a few times, but nobody responded. The house was completely empty and cleared of any evidence.

Well, apart from the dead man in front of the house, it looked like no one had even ever lived there.

But we knew about the things that happened there.

We knew all about it.

''Guys,'' Namjoon yells from the other room ''I found something.''

We all walked over to where he was and we found him pointing at the basement. The stairs lead down to a door that was covered with spider webs. It looked like it was straight out of a horror movie. As if when you enter that door, a creepy ghost would kill you.

Well, if Taehyung was here, that would definitely happen.

''It's just a basement,'' Yoongi sighs ''do you think Jungkook is there? That would be too obvious wouldn't it?''

''It's worth trying,'' Jin sighs ''we're looking for our best friend here. We can't skip any places, even if they look obvious.''

We all nod in sync making our way down the stairs.

''Jesus, this is giving me chills'' Yoongi sighs and I nod holding the cold door handle tightly.

''Alright,'' I whisper ''here we go.''

The door creaks as I open it, some of the spider webs falling onto our faces as we walk into the cold, damp space.

''Jungkook?'' I say as I look around the rather tiny space ''are you here?''

''Do you really think he will just reply when we call for him?'' Namjoon sighs.

''G-Guys...?'' Jin says, his voice clearly shaking ''look over here...''

We all walk over to Jin who stares at something in horror.





There he was. Our best friend. One of the best people we've ever met, just sitting there in a puddle of, probably, his own blood.

I stare at my best friend who looks down, drawing something in the thick liquid plashed all over the ground. A faint smile was displayed on his face and it looked like he was mumbling something. He was still alive, but he looked like he had passed away already.

Again? Did he really do it again? Did he really try to kill one of his friends again? The only people who stayed by his side for whatever reason we even had?

''I'm so sorry,'' Jungkook whispers, just loud enough for us to hear ''please forgive me.''

I frowned my brows, trying to understand what he meant. He reached behind him very slow and carefully.

A gun.

He looked at all of us one by one ever so slowly. He tilted his head slowly and pointed the gun at Namjoon, then Jin, then Yoongi, then... me.

And then...

Taehyung pov

Tell me, do you think I'm crazy?

Do you believe I'm out of my mind?

Do you think I'm a bad person? A failure? A psychopath?

Is it bad to love someone?

Think about it,

Is it really bad to love someone as much as this?

Am I crazy? Or are you?



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