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Taehyung POV

It was 1pm, lunch break. Only 2 hours left and then I'll be alone with my Y/N.

"Hey! Taehyung!" I hear someone behind me yell. I sigh and look at the direction the voice came from. It was Jimin. I wave at him and he walks over to me and sits down on the chair next to me.

"Why are you sitting alone? It's lunch break, you should some sit with us!" He laughs and looks at me.

"I like being alone, Jimin. You know that." I force a smile and look away. Why is he telling me what I 'should' do? Why can't he just pay attention to the other boys.

"So like... Tae... Don't tell this to anyone else, but you know that girl Y/n? I heard you guys are gonna meet after school? I've liked her for so long... Could you maybe like, talk about me?" He says and blushes a little.

My heart stops and i slowly look up to Jimin. I clench my teeth and dig my nails into my skin, causing it to bleed a little.

''And what do you expect me to say about you?'' I say sacrastically and chuckle quietly.

''Ah, I don't know! Tell her how great I am or something!'' He laughs and hits my shoulder softly.

"Actually, she gave something to me, it's for you. It's in my locker so I'll be right back." I say and get up quickly, leaving him no time to reply. I clear my throat and start walking to the infirmary room.

Who does he think he is? He might be one of my best friends, but that doesn't mean I can just let him steal my Y/n.

He thinks I'm actually going to talk about him to her. I snort and look inside the big white room, looking if someone is inside, but only to get greeted by the nurse who works there every day.

"Hello!" I say and smile to the nurse.

''Hello. Do you need anything?'' She breathes out and walks towards me.

''Could I get some asprins, please? My friend isn't feeling too well.'' I say sweetly and force a sweet smile, causing her to giggle softly.

She nods before turning around to walk over to a closet, looking for the medicine I asked for.

Right when she's not looking i quickly walk over to a drawer close to the window. My hands quickly make its way to grab a syringe and tranquilizer out of the it and put it in my pocket.

"Here are the pills." she says and hands over the little box of medicine.

I nod and smile and make my way out of the infirmary room.

That wasn't hard, at all.

I walk back to Jimin, hiding the syringe and tranquilizer in the pocket of my jacket. Jimin is still sitting in the chair and he's holding his Phone. It looks like he's texting someone by the way his fingers are tapping on the screen.

''Hey'' I say when standing in front of him. He quickly puts his Phone back into his pocket and smiles.


"Follow me, it's in the storage room." I say and start walking, and like I asked, Jimin follows.

"What is it?" He asks, but I ignore him and open the door of the storage room.

"It's in here" I say, letting him walk in front of me. "It's in the music box, go look."

I quickly close the door while we walk in.

''Why would she hide a surprise in the storage room? Is she in here or something? I didn't expect her to be into these kind of things.'' he chuckles and I feel my heart starting to beat faster.

I close the door behind us and Jimin starts walking towards the music box. He tilts his head before bending down to open the music box that's standing at the end of the room, between two big closets.

''I'm not sure if this is real Taehyung. It's kind of weird how she wants to hide something in he--''

Goodnight, Jimin.

I smile and wrap my arm around him, covering his mouth with my hand.

"WHAT ARE YOU DO-" he yells, but his words are muffled by my hand. I start laughing hysterically and grab the syringe out of my pocket.

''I can't believe you thought I was actually going to talk about you Jimin. I can't believe you thought you had a chance with her. It's embarrassing actually.''

I insert the syringe in the soft skin of his neck. His breathing is loud, but it slowly starts getting more quiet, which means he's falling asleep.

He falls onto the ground, almost lifeless. I look at the sight of my best friend lying on the ground, sleeping pacefully even though I just made him fall asleep.

''It shouldn't have to be this way Jimin...'' I sigh and shake my head slowly.

I open the music box and drag his body towards it. I carefully pick him up and lay him down in the box. I look at the music box and a small smile appears on my face before walking out of the storage room. I quickly close the door and lock it.

I will see you tonight, Jimin.


Ok tbh this chapter is still bad even though I rewrote it :/

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