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Y/N pov


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I frown and look at my phone screen. What did he mean? Did his phone crash or something? It might be because of the storm, I don't know.

''Who is that?'' I hear a voice behind me say, I hear Taehyung put his phone down and he walks towards me. I quickly put my phone on the table close to me.

''Who is that Y/N,'' Taehyung says. His voice gets deep and I look into his eyes, the sweetness in his eyes that I saw before had completely disappeared. It was as if he was a whole different person.

''I.. I don't know'' I whisper and I see him bite the inside of his lip really hard while breathing loud. I look at his hands and see he's balling his fists.

Without thinking I put my hands on his cheeks. He trembles and his eyes get big, but he doesn't look away.

''Don't worry Taehyung.. I don't know who he is nor do I care..'' I whisper and it seems like it calms him down. He stops biting his lip and he starts breathing normally again.

''I guess that's how I calm you down, huh'' I whisper and he chuckles.

''I'm sorry''

Taehyung pov

I see her turning around and I grab her hand.

''Please.. don't leave'' I whisper and she looks at me and then outside. It's still storming, heavier than before.

''I... You know I can't Taehyung.. You're not allowed to go on the road''

Ah, of course.

''Y/N?'' I ask and she looks at me ''please, stay here. I have to go upstairs and take care of something.''

She nods and I run upstairs and walk to a door and knock on it.

''She almost heard you guys, shut the hell up before I come inside and take care of you all'' I say with a deep voice and with that said, I go downstairs and see that Y/N fell asleep on the couch. I pick her up and take her upstairs, put her in her bed and kiss her forehead.

I get in bed, next to her and caress her soft cheek.

''You're exactly as soft as you are when I visit you at night. You also smell the same.. you do everything the same. I'm not letting you leave.. Y/N.. you're mine now''

I kiss her forehead once again and get out of the bed, walk out of the room and close the door before going to my own bed.

Y/N pov

My eyes open immediately as I hear my door close.

''W-What did he just say?!'' I whisper and my heart starts beating incredibly fast ''he broke into my house..? T-Then it was him who stole things! It was him who cleaned my room! Everything was HIM.. a-and now.. he got me.. I HAVE TO LEAVE!'' I whisper and I get out of bed as fast as possible.

''How am i..'' I whisper and I softly open the door and get out of the room. I walk through the hall, searching for a way to escape until I see a door open already. Light comes out of it as if someone is inside or they forgot to turn the lights off and close the door. I walk towards it and try to look inside. No one is there.

I open the door and my heart stops.

''N-N-No it can't be..'' I cover my mouth and look at the hundreds of picture's of.. me. There are hundreds of pictures on the wall.. on the desks. Pictures of me sleeping, at school, at sport.. everywhere.. I close the door, trying to make no noise.

I walk through the hall again with tears rolling down my cheeks. I see the door I saw earlier that night, the door where the voices came from. I press my ear against the door, hoping I could hear someone talking, but I heard nothing.

Was I just imagining voices there? Maybe I should just look.. I already saw and heard horrible things, I doubt this is any worse. I slowly open the door.

Well.. I was wrong.. It was worse.

''B-Bodies..'' Is the only word that escapes my lips. I look at the ground and there are a few bodies.. dead. It looks horrible. As if they were tortured before they died. Did Taehyung do this..?

''Why..'' I whisper and crystal clear liquid starts streaming out of my eyes.

Taehyung couldn't have done this.. right? He isn't like this.. right? NO! He's sweet.. he helped me.. he offered me to stay at his house.. he only wants me safe and happy.. He didn't do this.

But maybe he did.

I slam the door shut and start running. It feels like the hall is 10.000 miles long. I keep running until I bump into someone.


''Y/N?'' he says and he looks at me in a concerned way. He holds onto my arms and rubs his thumbs against my skin, trying to calm me down.''what are you doing? Why are you running? Why are you crying?''

''I..I'' I stutter, I couldn't think straight. So many questions were going through my head. ''Pictures.. b-bodies.. T-T-Taehyung.. I..''

I look at his hands, red. Was it blood? It must be. Right when I try to get loose of his grip, I feel a stinging pain in my arm. The pain I felt a few days ago. My sight starts getting blurry and I feel my legs getting weak and before I know I fall into Taehyungs arms, not being able to do anything. My eyes slowly close and that's when I fall asleep.

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