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Okay before this chapter starts I wanna thank you all so so so much for reading my story

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Okay before this chapter starts I wanna thank you all so so so much for reading my story.. 2K reads! I'm so happy and proud and I just wanna hug everyone who reads this book and enjoys it. Thank you so so so much. Everyone's comments make me feel so happy and give me so much energy and motivation to write more. Okay enough. Once again... Thank you. I hope you enjoy this chapter. <3


Taehyung pov

I put my phone away and a satisfied smile appears on my face. Time passes by and it's already 10 pm. I look outside and see the rain falling down, lightning appears in the sky and thunder follows by. I love thunder and lightning a lot since it makes me feel calm.

My thoughts get interrupted by someone knocking on my door.

It's 10pm who would even come to my house at this time in the evening? I guess it's something important.

I walk towards the door and open it. My heart stops for a second and my eyes get bigger.


''What are you doing here'' I mumble and look away, rage building up in the pit of my stomach.

''You know why, Taehyung'' Kaga says and he steps towards me ''I know what you're up to.''

I laugh a little ''Excuse me? I don't think you know anything.''

''Don't hurt her. I will make sure she stays away from you. She'll never look at you or talk to you again. I won't let her.'' Kaga says, he turns around and walks back to his car, gets in and drives away, leaving me dumbfounded.

I close the door and walk to my living room. It feels like my blood is boiling, I run my hands through my hair and look at the wall. My anger takes over and before i know it I'm having a fist fight with the wall.

''WHY WOULD HE SAY THAT?!'' I scream and hold onto my hair, almost pulling it out.

I get interrupted once again by someone knocking on my door.

''KAGA LEAVE ME THE HECK AL-'' my heart skips a beat when I realise who's standing in front of my door.

''Y/N... I..I... W..Why are you here?'' I stutter and I smile awkwardly before noticing she's soaking wet ''Please.. get inside''I grab her hand carefully and she walks inside my house without saying a word.

A few minutes later we are sitting on my couch, I gave Y/N some blankets, a towel to dry her hair and turned on the fireplace, hoping it would warm her up.

''Why are you.. here?'' I ask again, not wanting to sound rude or sound like I don't want her here.

''Well... I was out and the thunderstorm started... I'm scared of lightning and I tried to call Daria, but she didn't pick up and Kaga is not replying for some reason... You were my last option..'' she says and she holds on to the blanket I gave her.

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