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Hi! First of all, sorry for the late update.

But... There is a new book coming! It's going to be like this book.. but not exactly the same, obviously. I'm not sure when i'll post the prologue of it but i hope you'll read it!

Anyway, I hope you'll like this chapter!


Y/n pov

Human-sized dolls.

The big room was filled with tables and chairs and behind every table a human sized doll was sitting with a plate in front of it. Making it look like it was actually dining here.

I mean... the idea was cute. Cute in a very creepy way. But it was cute, right?

''Do you like it?'' a deep voice says and I bite my lip, trying to come up with the best answer to give in this situation.

''I... I think it's cute. The thought behind it is very cute.'' I say and clear my throat.

''Where do we sit?''

''Right there,'' he answers and takes my hand in his, our fingers intertwine perfectly and an unfamiliar shy feeling washes over me and causes my cheeks to be covered in a light shade of pink.

He leads me to a small table with lighted candles on it. It's the only table in the room that isn't already 'taken'. The table has two plates on it and a few cherry blossom petals cover the table as decoration.

Cherry blossom petals.

My breath hitches and my body tenses up.

''I'm sorry for using those... I just like the look of it. Are you alright?'' a deep voice says and I swallow thickly in response.

''It's fine.''

Taehyung smiles and gestures me to sit down in front of him, which I do.

''Taehyung, can I ask you something?''

''Sure you can, my love. What is it?'' my eyes meet his and I clear my throat before breaking eye contact and looking at my plate.

''Why would your mom leave you such a beautiful dress if she hated you?''

He sighs and leans back in his chair, still looking into my eyes.

''My mom was not always bad. She taught me a lot of things when I was around five years old. Her most important lesson to me was 'if you love someone you have to do everything for them'. Actually, both my parents told me you have to kill others for the ones you love. Have no limits in what you do for people.''

''How is killing important?'' I whisper, hoping Taehyung didn't hear what I said.

''But things changed when my mom cheated on my dad. You are not supposed to give the person you love a chance to cheat. You have to get rid of the people who are a danger in your relationship.''

I gulp.

''My mom started drinking and taking drugs. I guess she took her anger out on me. Kaga was just lucky.''


''Kaga is incapable of love. He said he loved me, but he left me, right? I'm not like that. I can't relate to him with love.''

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