
4.6K 197 178

I hope it's not a problem that the chapters are slightly longer.. I hit 7k reads a few days ago and it really means so so so much to me. Thank you to everyone who reads, votes and comments. I hope you enjoy this chapter


Y/N pov

I slowly open my eyes and let out a soft sigh. The warmth of the soft sheets and blankets wrapped around me make me feel comfy. Maybe a little too comfy? I slowly sit up straight and the blankets slightly fall off me. A soft, cold breeze hits my body and I shiver, but then I notice I'm not wearing any clothes.

''No'' my breath hitches when I see my exposed skin and I immediately wrap the blankets tight around me again. ''Don't tell me I..''

I look around and see Taehyung next to me. He's still asleep so he didn't notice me freaking out over the fact that I probably did 'it' with him. Well, he probably knew, this was probably all a part of his sick plan. I lean over a bit, allowing me to see him a little better, but only to find out he isn't wearing a shirt so he's probably not wearing anything else.

''This is a.. this is a dream, right? It must be a dream. A nightmare.'' I whisper.

''No'' I hear a deep, raspy voice next to me say and I jump out of fear due to the sudden voice.

''We didn't do 'it'.. right?'' I gulp and close my eyes while waiting for a reaction. I hear him chuckle and my body feels warm, because of embarrassment and because I'm so ashamed of myself.

''We did'' he finally says and my heart drops. I let him do this? This isn't what I meant when I said I wanted to have one good night. ''you were good and don't worry, I wore a condom''

''Oh my god'' I hiss and I get out of bed, the blankets still wrapped tight around me. I search for my clothes and when I found them I quickly run out of the room. ''as if that makes anything better! I mean it does, but I still... nevermind.''

I run downstairs and I see five boys sitting at the dining table, they whisper and all look at me when they hear me walk into the room. I recognize one guy, he is.. was in my English class, his name was jungloo? Jungmoo? I don't really remember.

''I...'' I gulp and the guys all look at each other as if they just saw a ghost.

''He really did it'' one tall guy says and the other guys just nod.

''Did what?'' I ask and tilt my head a little. The guy I recognized stands up and walks towards me.

''Taehyung he..'' he whispers as if he was scared someone would hear him. ''You shouldn't hang out with him''

''Aren't you guys his friends?'' I say a little too loud and all the boys press their finger against their lips.

Are they scared of Taehyung? Are they even his friends?

''We were... before Taehyung..'' the guy says and it looks like he's struggling to get the words out of his mouth.

''Before Taehyung killed one of us'' one guy says and he presses his lips hard against each other. It looks like he's trying not to cry and the boys give him an angry look.

My heart starts beating faster. So first he thinks its okay to fuck Kaga up like that, kill his parents, kill a police officer, kill one of his 'friends' and then act like all of this is okay and he can just kiss me and do whatever he wants with me? I bite my lip and fight the tears that are forming in my eyes.

''Do you trust him?'' the same guy says and he stands up ''do you trust Taehyung?''

I look at him and I can feel my heart beating through my entire body. Trust.. do I trust Taehyung? After everything he's done to me? To others? No.

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