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I'm sorry for taking so long to update, but I have a lot going on. I tried to write but whatever I wrote was just odd and I was never satisfied with it.

I hope you enjoy this chapter! And have a good day/night


Hoseok pov

The stress-giving noises of the hospital machines make me grow even more annoyed at the situation we're in. Jungkook is in the hospital bed, his leg is covered in a thick bandage and he's holding an ice bag against the side of his head. He must have hit his head on the ground when Taehyung's insane dog attacked him.

''I wish Jimin was here'' I hear Jungkook say and my heart breaks at his words. Everyone misses Jimin so much and we never got the chance to say goodbye to him. The worst thing was that this was all Taehyungs fault. Someone we've been friends with for over 6 years. Someone we trusted with everything we had, even our lives and he took Jimin's life away from him.

''We all miss him'' I say and I put my hands in my pockets while letting out a loud sigh.

''So, what's the plan?'' Jungkook says, probably trying to change the topic, and he looks at me and the other boys ''how are we going to stop Taehyung?''

''You know the day he'll give up is the day he dies'' Yoongi snorts and he bites his bottom lip ''this isn't going to be easy. If he's willing to kill his own best friend just to have that girl then he isn't going to stop if we tell him to.''

''He will probably kill one of us if he has to'' Jungkook softly says ''I mean, he killed Jimin.''

''Why are we even risking our life's for that girl? We don't even know her well.'' Jin says and Namjoon immediately hits him.

''You're supposed to be the oldest, Jin'' Namjoon breathes out ''don't say such nonsense.''

''Guys please focus, we know what Taehyung is capable of'' I say and everyone nods ''we have to stop him.''

''Did anyone pay attention to the address of Taehyungs house?'' Namjoon says and no one moves or says anything ''So literally no one paid attention to the address? How did we get there earlier today?''

''Wasn't it on your phone? Like the address, wasn't it on your phone?'' Jin says and he looks at Namjoon who looks at his phone to check if the address was actually on there.

''Don't tell me Taehyung planned all of this'' I murmur and the boys immediately look at me.

''It wouldn't surprise me'' Yoongi says ''after everything he's planned.''

''Guys, we have to get to Taehyungs house right now. If he planned all of this then I'm sure he is going to do something to y/n'' Namjoon breaths out and everyone nods in agreement ''But Jungkook...''

''You guys can go, I will figure out a way to stop Taehyung. I will text Namjoon my ideas, alright? Don't worry about me.'' Jungkook says and everyone nods before leaving the hospital and going to Taehyungs house.

Y/N pov

My heart jumps when hearing the front door close.

''Taehyung?'' I yell and I hear footsteps coming upstairs ''Taehyung! Please answer me! I'm sorry!''

No answer.

Why is he not replying? He always replies to me when I call for him, but my thoughts get interrupted when I hear someone unlocking the door and the doorknob starts moving.

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