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Hey! I'm so sorry for not updating when I said I was gonna update on friday, but I had 2 really stressful weeks. I'll try to update more often though! I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Taehyung pov

''Let's have fun killing each other!'' The words left my lips so easy as if it was nothing. Killing indeed meant nothing to me, I never feel bad when killing someone. It doesn't matter who or what. I've never regret taking someone's life away from them.

I didn't want to kill Kaga, I mean I did, but at the same time I didn't. He didn't deserve to die. He didn't deserve to get away from everything so easily. I've been suffering for so many years, I've been alone for so many years. It's only fair if he feels the same pain I feel, the same loneliness.

I walked towards him and my eyes looked furious, but a big smile was printed on my face when seeing Kaga whimper whenever I moved. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and made him stand to his feet. I moved my head to his ear, lips almost touching his skin.

''It'll be over soon'' I whisper and press the knife against his stomach. I laugh hysterically when seeing Kaga fall onto the ground.

''I didn't even stab him!'' I yell like a child as if I just got my favourite kind of food ''I didn't stab him! He just passed out! The fucking drama queen.'' My laugh got louder and louder, my hand made its way to my stomach due to the pain I felt because I was laughing too much.

Y/N pov

He was just laughing. Hysterically laughing as if he saw something funny on tv, but he made his own brother pass out. That was his kind of humour. His sick, pathetic, insane kind of humour. It didn't surprise me though. I didn't feel anything, I didn't feel sad or angry, I was numb. I was too weak to even care about what just happened. Too weak to be afraid of Taehyung and too weak to be angry at Kaga. It was like my life just stopped, it stopped the day Tae—Kaga tranquillized me and Taehyung took me to his house.

I chuckled at the sight of Kaga lying on the floor and Taehyung laughing like an insane psychopath.

''This is so messed up'' I say and I look at the ceiling as if I was talking to someone ''so so messed up.''

''Come'' Taehyung says when he's finally done laughing. He grabs Kaga's hand and starts dragging him down the stairs and to the door. I just followed him, as if I was brainwashed and he was controlling me. He grabbed my wrists aggressively, tears forming in my eyes. I couldn't feel any emotions anymore, but I could feel the pain he physically gave me. He opened the door and walked to his car. I looked around me and the whole world was white.

''Am I dead?'' I laugh and I look around myself. I smile and look at Taehyung who has a small smile on his face.

''No, my love. It's snowing.'' He starts walking again and opens the back of the car and dumps Kaga's body in there.

I look around and slowly kneel down. I touch the ground and the cold snow melts the second I touch it. It feels like I haven't been outside for years, I didn't even notice it's been snowing, I couldn't even remember what day it is. Dramatic, right?

''Are you coming?'' taehyung says and I nod. I get up and walk over to his car. I huff and open the door and get in.

The car ride is silent, I didn't mind though. I looked outside and watched the snowflakes fall onto the window and fall onto the white ground. I loved snow. For once in those few days I felt okay, I felt safe even though I had an insane psychopath sitting right next to me. I didn't care. Christmas was probably coming soon since it was snowing and maybe deep inside Taehyungs heart there was a little bit of good and he'd let me go see my family around Christmas time.

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