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Hola! Ok so I know I posted twice yesterday but I really like writing so I just write every night. My Writing Workshop teacher always says writing is therapeutic and cathartic (Shoutout to Mrs. Emery). Ok so I'm gonna write this chapter.

(Reaper's POV)
I held a picture of her, Jack, and I in my hands. We were close, a trio even. I knew Jack liked her and so did I, but him and Angela just seemed good for each other, and that made me jealous.
She stood in front of me, wondering if what she saw was real. Now that there wasn't thick glass in between us, she must have felt like an ant below a big black boot.

I just walked around her office, bending down to look at framed photos and other possessions.

"Why are you here? To hurt me?" She spoke, breaking the silence.
"I don't want to hurt you. You're too precious." I realized how creepy I sounded, so I tried to steer in a different direction.

"Because you have information I need. I want to take you back to Talon headquarters with me, maybe join the team. If you decline, I might need to take more drastic measures." I patted one of my guns attached to my belt.
She seemed surprised, almost like she didn't expect that coming from the 'menace'.

"Gabriel, what have you become?" I was hurt from her remarks. She was so understanding and never judged anyone, but I suppose I was threatening her.

"I'm not Gabriel, not anymore. My name is Reaper." I responded dryly, only flashing her a cold stare, although she can't see through my mask. She leaned her arm on the doorway. The halls used to always be filled whenever I stayed at Gibraltar, but it was early so I suppose everyone was still asleep.

She looked down at her feet. "I know I already said it, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry I put you through what you did. If I just left your body, maybe you would have died happy and unburdened."

She was right, I was a burdened man. Sometimes I wish I would just die. I wish Talon never found me and forced me to join their team. I wish I didn't have these scars, inside and out. I wish I wasn't here, standing in front of the one who made my heart and broke it. But it wasn't her fault.

I wasn't facing her. My back was turned and my head hung low. I pinched the bridge of my masked nose. I didn't want to take her with me, she would just be tortured. The only reason I joined the team was so she wouldn't be. I also knew I cannot go back empty handed, or they would come back and  take somebody else.

"I'll strike a deal. You give me some information about your research in the field of nanobiology, and you can stay. those are your choices. If you haven't decided by tomorrow, I'll just have to take you with me."

I turned around and walked toward her ready to push her out of the way so I could get through. Before I reached her, she blocked out the doorway, grabbing a side with one hand and same with the other, placing herself in the middle. She stared right through the sockets of the mask and into my eyes.

"Why did you hurt Jack? I thought you two were close, so, why?" I sighed, relaxing myself. "I had to." I took another step forward, but her grip tightened and she leaned forward.
"No one needs to get hurt. Heroes aren't supposed to die. Why did you do it?"

I was beginning to get frustrated. Turning into wraith mode is exhausting, I couldn't handle doing it again. I couldn't get past Angela unless I hurt her, which I was not going to do.
"I was jealous, ok. All those years ago, I was jealous." She was confused on what I was saying.

"No, Gabe, not then, now."

"Let me finish."

I interrupted her, frustrated with my current situation and trying to find the words to say it.

"I was jealous. I saw the way you two talked. I knew he liked you, I always knew it. You were the perfect couple and I couldn't stand it. I got in a fight with him, with my best friend. That's when he admitted liking you. He said you two were already together.
I pulled my guns on him and he did the same. We fought for what felt like an eternity. Hiding from each other, yelling at each other, shooting at each other. I found my way to the weapons room where a grenade was sitting. I hid behind the shelves until I saw his rubber boots. I bit the key off and threw it under his feet. I heard an "Oh shit," and rubber boots running out the door. That is when I realized I just doomed myself.

the grenade started a chain reactions of other explosives and I tried to run but the halls and rooms around me engulfed in flames. I was running to save you Angela. You must have gotten out though, because you were out of your burning office. I ran for it, but the roof caved in and fell on me.

I shot him today to get my revenge. If he didn't lie about you two, I wouldn't have had to burden you myself, by making you remember the way I looked at you. The way I disappeared." I sighed as I finished my story. She gave me a sympathetic look and began to speak.

"I... I..."

"Don't bother lecturing me." I picked her up by the waist, her grasp on the doorway completely loosened. Her hands fell to her side when I lifted her.

I turned her around and placed her in her office. She looked at me with sorrow in her eyes as I turned around and walked out of her room.

She ran out and peeked her head out of the office as I walked down the hall. I took off my mask and brought it to my side, without looking back at her.

I could hear her walk out and stand in the middle of the hall, maybe hoping I'd turn around and run toward her, wrapping her in my arms and holding her, helping her calm down like I once did, but I didn't. I couldn't. It would hurt too much.

Bippity bop bop, another chapter. Sorry for the weirdness. Ok, so now I have A full chapter for Reaper. I should probably do a chapter for Mercy next. alright so bye <3

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