Comply Or Die

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So, it's been an hour since I finished chapter 2 and I can't sleep so here I am. I know I probably sound like a psychopath but I'm not, I'm a high-functioning psychopath;)... I'm sorry. Ok I'm going to write and edit when I get some sleep. Enjoy the show!

(Mercy's POV)
I rose from my bed with a yawn and a stretch. That was the best sleep I had gotten for a very long time. I climbed out of my bed and touched the cold floor with my feet. I was more energized than ever. I basically skipped into the shower. I took a quick shower and waltzed out of my bathroom.

Out my window was a gorgeous view of the sunrise. The different yellows, reds and pinks painted across a blue sky made me feel at peace.

I stepped out of my living quarters with a cup of coffee in-hand and managed to catch Lena. She hopped over to me the second she saw me.

"Hi Angela! how do you do this fine morning?" she asked in her usual jumpy ways.

"I'm great, Lena. And what did I tell you about using your slipstream indoors?" I playfully scolded.

"Well, Angela, that's the thing. We kind of have to be on alert right now. late last night, Winston, McCree and Mei found Reaper terrorizing a witness of his attacks. They captured him and now he's here at our base."

His name rang in my ears. I stood there taken aback by her words. I was so out that I dropped my mug from the sound of his name.

Not only is Reaper a mass murderer of thousands, maybe even millions of people if you would believe it, but there's one thing I know about Reaper that no one else does. I saw it with my own two eyes. That isn't just 'Reaper', that's Gabriel Reyes.

(Soldier 76's POV)
Winston came swarming into my room. I nearly fell out of my chair from the surprise visit. I stood up and looked at him, showing him how he caused me to spill milk all over my jacket. But instead of looking apologetic, he looked frantic. I stood, silently looking at him, before he finally spoke. "We got 'em."

I walked through the halls of the Overwatch base, going through twists and turns to get to his cell. I was amazed and impressed that Winston was able to finally capture him.

When I finally got to that door, I punched in a six letter code only known by the elite members of Overwatch. I then went through another door using a finger print lock only accessed by me, myself and I. I was now inside the room.

The room was split by 8 inch glass. Reaper stood there, looking down menacingly with his back toward me. He wore all black and had a white mask that resembled a skull covering his face. He looked like a zoo animal on display for all to see.

His hands gripped together tightly in a fist, you could see them shaking from his anger. His head turned when he heard the door shut, but his body didn't. He was looking over his shoulder, making him look that much more intimidating.

I shoulda been more scared, but there was something familiar about it, about him, that almost made me feel empathy for the psycho killer.

(Reaper's POV)
I tried to stand there without lashing out. Just sit quietly and get this done with. I didn't want my anger to show, not around her. But when Jack walked in, the man who caused it all, I lost it.

I held it in for as long as possible, but I just couldn't with 'Commander Morrison'. He took everything from me. I kept it in for as long as possible before I couldn't anymore, and I snapped.

"So, you must be that 'Reaper' guy everybody's talkin' 'bout." Jack said, reaching for a chair and throwing it under him in his usual I'm-a-real-cool-guy manner.

I tightened my grip and murmured, "Go home boy-scout, I don't want any cookies." This struck something in him. I did nothing but call him a name. He seemed heartbroken, almost nostalgic, over me calling him Boy-Scout.

After a few seconds of silence, he stood up and walked closer to the glass, crossing his arms.

"Don't call me names. The only reason I haven't killed you yet is for answers. I need information on Talon. If you don't comply, I'll have to kill you."

I turned around and looked at him, no, glared at him through my mask. I then hit the glass with my fist, causing him to jump back. "I guess I won't comply, Commander."

Oi! It's actually bright outside. I spent the whole night writing a book that isn't even good. oh well what can ya do. so in the beginning of Jack's POV the paragraph is in italics. that's becuz it took place the night before. sorry if that was confusing. ok I'm going to attempt to edit this so if I miss a spot it cause I haven't slept in like 48 hours. I just read the chapter back and it's terrible sorry but I need sleep so its going up anyway

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