Saved My Life

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Heller! So the end of the last chapter was a little rocky, sorry! And before you ask, readied is a word, I looked it up myself. lol okay time to write.

(Genji's POV)
The light of the moon was reflecting down perfectly on the undisturbed water. Stars filled the night sky. The sight reminded me of a beautiful painting.

I smiled, thinking about how Angela was probably looking out her window admiring the world as I did. She was a sucker for times like this. She used to pull me out on the balcony and just look up for hours. As she tried to count the stars, I did the same with the twinkles in her eyes.

I was gone for a little while, a couple of days. That wouldn't seem like much, but I normally wouldn't leave unless I was on a mission. I was on my way back now, of course. I just had to clear my mind, so I went to see my brother, of whom tried to kill me last time I saw him.

He thought I was an assassin, which I found amusing. I'll have to admit, Hanzo has gotten very good with his bow, but still hasn't tamed his dragons. It was easy for Soba to overpower his two.

I went to visit him, to see if he really was sorry for what he did, and he was. I asked him to join our team in hopes that he would find a way to connect with me. He needed time to think, so now I'm on my way home.

The building was quiet and dark. I expected someone to be up, but no one was. Athena was supposed to recognize me and open the doors, but she didn't. I had to manually open the door, going through body and eye scans. I was a little off-putted by why Athena didn't open the doors. The whole time I was with Overwatch, I never had to go through the scans.

The inside was black, and I felt a bad feeling entering, almost like someone was in trouble. Footsteps were heard in halls nearby, as if someone was running from something. I walked towards the noise, but after a while it stopped. I heard a noise, almost like a thud, and a small scream. It sounded like Angela.

I started running, keeping stealth mode on. The halls were somehow becoming more and more dark the longer I ran. Up ahead, I saw a small round intersect of hallways in the middle of the building. All I could see was Angela on the ground, holding herself up by her arms.

She looked distraught and angry. A woman I had never seen before knelt down and got right up in her face, like she was threatening to kill her. I hid behind the corner and gripped the sword on my back.

I sat there, peeking back making sure she was ok. I didn't want to jump in unless she needed me. She could handle herself, but I couldn't walk away.

A small amount of time passed. I heard the unfamiliar woman say loudly,

"Suit yourself." She grabbed her pistol and pointed it at my beloved. The click echoed through the air.

I ran in, jumping in between them, pulling out my sword just as the woman shot. I deflected the bullet with my sword and it hit her in the arm. She dropped the gun and grabbed her arm in pain. I looked over my shoulder, still holding my sword in battle formation.

Angela looked given up. She was sitting up, feet sprawled out, kept up by her arms, eyes closed.

She opened her eyes, confused. Those eyes looked up at me. She laughed, relieved and swung herself forward, hugging my legs. She took me by surprise and I nearly fell over. I laughed too and picked her up, giving her a tight hug holding the back of her head.

"You have to be more careful next time." She sniffed and responded to me.

"I'm trying. My curiosity gets the best of me."

I remembered the intruder and looked over to where she was, but she wasn't there. She was all the way down the hall. I jumped away from the embrace, making Angela lean forward and extend her arms out. I picked my sword up from off the ground and started running after her.

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