Dead Dreams

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Alright so it's 2:30 in the morning, same night I wrote the last chapter which I just realized was shorter than I thought so I'm writing another chapter (don't hate). also I'm just writing this for fun so yeah sorry if it sucks.

(Soldier 76's POV)
It was late at night, I'd say about two. I hadn't gotten any sleep and I was just tossing and turning all night. After a while, I decided to get up and make myself a cup of warm milk.

I swung open the door of my fridge. The fridge was empty except for half a package of hot dogs, some bottles of beer and an empty carton of milk.

"Goddammit. WHO DIDN'T THROW AWAY THE MILK?!" I remembered then I was screaming at no one but myself.

There had to be some milk in the cafeteria for those who don't live here. I just had to raid the fridge in there. One gallon surely can't cost that much.
I stepped out of my living quarters and quietly closed the door behind me.

I turned on my heels and found Genji a few doors down, closing the door to Angela's room, his visor in his hand. He had the most satisfied grin on his face, which made me angry. What did he just do? Did he hurt my beloved Angela?

He walked a few steps and looked up to see me glaring at him. His happy expression dropped and his postor straightened out.

"What were you doing in Dr. Ziegler's room, Shimada?" I knew he hated being called by his last name, because of some shit his family put him through or something, but I couldn't help but make him a little angry.

"I - I'm sorry, uh, commander, I"

"I will not take any excuses. Sleeping hours are sleeping hours for a reason."

"But, sir, you"

"I what?" I looked at him sternly. My last words came out poisonous. He knows who overpowers who so he needs to back down. I crossed my arms and grunted under my breath.

"Get to your room, Shimada"

He passed me by, whispering something under his breath in Japanese. I shrugged him off and started walking the opposite direction he went and stopping at Angela's door. I placed my hand on her door and whispered, only hoping she can hear me. "I'll keep you safe, as long as you're in my sights."

(Reaper's POV)
"Come out, little buddy." I said, loud enough for anyone to hear in the room. It was small, but I'd call it home.

"I know you're in here, I'll find you." I could hear someone's distraught breathing coming from the closet. This was almost too easy.

I decided to play a little game before opening that door and shooting him. Let's see how long it takes for him to jump out and sacrifice himself.

"You might know me from the news. My name's Reaper. Ya know, infamous for killing thousands." I walked around for a little while, looking at some of the pictures of him and his family.

"One thing you should know about me is I don't like witnesses. That's why I kill so many people. Where there's a massacre, there's a witness. Where there's a dead witness, there's another witness. Again and again, an endless cycle. I've killed thousands, what makes you think I wouldn't kill you, too."

Looking through the pictures, I found one of the man and his family. A wife, and two sons, cheerfully smiling at Disney World.

I always wanted something like that, a family to come home to after a long day's work. A wife to kiss and children to hug. I would turn on the grill and watch my kids play in the yard as my wife and I finish up dinner.

I used to think, maybe after meeting Angela, I could have that, but then she turned me into this, and that dream has died.

It's all her fault. She turned me into the monster I am today. She deserves to rot like I am. But maybe, though, just maybe Angela isn't evil?

I shook the thought away quickly as I jumped back into reality. I broke the frame of the picture in my hand and turned around to face the closet again.

I let my guard down for one second, and in that second, the man ran from the closet and jumped through the window.

"Shit," I mumbled beneath my breath. I took on my wraith form and flew through the window, landing on the ground. It wasn't until then I realized I was surrounded by a giant gorilla, a Woody look-alike and a portable popsicle stand.

Hey everybody! ok so I know this chapter is short but I'm having trouble dragging it on like that. I hope you like my new additions 💙🖤! Also, thanks for reading my story! I'll write more tomorrow but it's like 4 so yeah. Ok ima go sleep k bye.

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