All The Cards

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So I keep on reading back at my other chapters and find mistakes and I am getting really mad at myself so sorry. Also, I just realized Tracer has a chronal accelerator, not a slipstream. Sorry 'bout that!

(Mercy's POV)
Almost as quickly as he appeared, he was gone. I stared down the hall, far after he was out of sight, completely dumbfounded from the experience. I didn't know whether to fear him or take pity on him. My mind raced full of questions and theories. For the first time in my life, I didn't know what to do.

I walked back into my office and sat in the chair, grabbing a few pieces of paper and started writing down notes like I was about to take a test. This helped me relax my mind and focus it on something else. Sometimes, I would think of an answer to an ongoing question in my research this way. 
I stopped right in the middle of a sentence as something came to mind. Where's Genji?

Getting ready to investigate the disappearance of my close friend, I stood up from my desk and walked out of the office, going down to ask a super soldier.

I got to his hospital room and knocked on the already opened door before walking in. I heard the familiar raspy voice, a little weaker than usual, manage to make out the words,

"Who is it?"

I took a few steps forward and responded back with, "Just a friendly doctor."

He smiled and I thought I heard a laugh. "Ready for my next checkup?" "Yeah, sure. On a scale of one to ten, how is your pain?" I walked in fully and he patted a spot at the end of the bed.

"C'mon, sit down. I won't bite."

"How do I know that for certain?" I commented with my snarky tone. "Are you really going to force me to stand up and sit you down with my two hands? I did just take a bullet, you know."

I did what he asked and sat at the end of the bed. "You're actually healing really quick, Jack. I have never seen someone this alert after losing so much blood."

"The whole 'super soldier program' made me that way. A blessing and a curse."

"And why a curse?" I looked up at him, who was staring out the window at the beautiful view of the ocean.

Watchpoint: Gibraltar sure was a beautiful base.

"A curse because, whenever people look at me, all they see is the guy who was enhanced with super soldier abilities. They never see me for my other qualities, or most of the time they just don't get to know me. They either love me or hate me for one simple reason. Something I can't change."

I had no idea Jack was in such a state. He seemed so... lost. I stared at his tired eyes and imagined what it was like to be him. I couldn't. I just couldn't see the world through his eyes, and it frustrated me.

He noticed my sudden change of mood and placed his hand on top of mine. I grabbed his and gripped it tight.

"Hey, hey, Don't worry about me. I'll be fine, doc. I shouldn't have told you that and I'm sorry. You just keep going."
I couldn't ask him about Genji. I've seen the way he looks at him. Jack does not have a soft spot for him. In the state he was in right now, I wouldn't let him think about that to top everything off.

I stood up and turned around to leave. "Hey, before you go, promise me something." I turned back around and listened to him once more.

"While I'm stuck in this bed, do things for the both of us. Go places and try things to make us two happy. Come back and tell me stories of your adventures." I smiled warmly and nodded.

"I promise."

"Thanks, doc."

I just left his room and started racing down the halls, stopping to ask someone if they knew where Winston was. I would always get an answer like, "No, sorry." or "I saw him this morning."

Quite fed up, I held phone in my hand and went through my contacts, whispering to calm my nerves.

"Where are you, Winston? Ah-hah!" I found his name and pressed the button, pulling the phone up to my ear. Winston didn't answer. I dropped it back down to where I could see it and pulled up his contact again, whispering under my breath.

"come on, pick up." I pulled the phone up to my ear and looked up, only to run into someone.

"Oh! sorry, I didn't see you there." I didn't recognize the person. She had black hair, purple at the tips. half of her head was shaved, although she seemed to be trying to cover it. part of her eyebrow was shaved.

She was wearing one of the nurse's uniforms, but I still didn't recognize her and I was the head of the medical team. Half of her face was covered by a nurse's mask. I had no idea who she was. The look in her eyes seemed relaxed and collected, but deep inside I could see a little hint of panic.

"Um, I'm sorry, I don't recognize you. Are you on my team?"

"Oh, no. I'm the head of the medical team here at Overwatch. I don't usually come around this area but I just need something." I was confused. I readied myself to fight, but got an idea on what to do.

"Oh, sorry about that. Go ahead." I moved out of the way and she walked past me. I then turned around and faced her back.

"My name is Angela Ziegler, by the way. Nice to make your acquaintance."
The girl stopped suddenly, but not for long before she started running.

I didn't realize she was running until she was ahead of me by a few feet. I sprinted down the halls and corridors.
She took the first left, and I followed. It would have been really helpful if someone came out and ran into her or saw me running, but just my luck, that didn't happen.

She turned right, left, left, right. She was very good at losing someone.

I was starting to get tired, but so was she, I almost grabbed her shoulder when she seemed to throw something. suddenly, she disappeared. I glanced around, trying to find where she went. I was right in the middle of an intersection of hallways. Every hallway around me, long and dark. I just turned myself around and around, hoping she would come out.

I felt someone kick me and I fell down. The woman reappeared, taking off her costume.

"So, you're the ever so famous Dr. Ziegler, huh. The one with all the special info."

"Who are you?"

"Relax, amigo, I'm not going to hurt you, unless you don't give me what I want."

"And what is that?"

"I have this feeling you have my friend, Reaper? Yeah, I'll take him." "We did have him, but he's gone." "I find that hard to believe." I looked up at her with a stern expression, letting her know I don't lie.

"Alright, alright, calm down, I believe you. I guess I'll settle for something else." She clearly liked drama, because in between every sentence she spoke, she would pause, building suspense and waiting to hear if I have something to say.

"I'll take all of your research on nanobiology. Every single scrap of information."

"And what if I don't give it?" She looked down at me, laughing to herself, then she bended down so our faces were inches away.

"I'll burn this place to the ground searching for it. If I don't find it, I'll hack in to every single computer that has ever written anything about the famous Angela Ziegler. I'll kill you and all of your friends until you give me what I want."

She looked at me, smiling like it was some sick joke. I tore my eyes from her stare, whispering one word.


She stood back up and straightened herself out, speaking in a confident manner.

"If you hold the information, you hold all the cards."

She turned around and took a few steps back. I inched back trying to make as much room between us as possible.
"So, will you give me what I want?"
"Not in a million years." She laughed again and turned around swiftly, her gun pointing down at me meters away.

"Alright, suit yourself."

I closed my eyes and embraced for the impact. The gunshot rang in my ears and I thought I was dead, but instead I opened my eyes.

Ayyy another chapter doneeeee. Sorry if there are any mistakes, I was on the phone with my friend while writing this. How did she not die? You tell me... not really I know. mkay byeeee <3

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