Beautiful View

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Hii! I'm probably not going to leave as many Author's notes so I can get to the story. Also, this book is kinda half planned out and do-it-along-the-way. Ok, enjoy the story!

(Soldier 76's POV)
"What? That bastard!" Ana was a little surprised by my sudden outburst, but there were other things to worry about.
I grabbed Ana and rushed down the hallway, her still catching a breath.

I heard Angie's footsteps behind me as I weaved through the building. Before we reached the room, I stopped and turned around to block her.

"Ange, I think you should sit this one out." She responded from my words by yanking my hand off of her waist. "I need to see him, Jack. I need to see Gabriel."

"I'm not gonna let you risk your life to see someone you miss. He's different. He's not the old Gabe. He nearly killed me. I couldn't live with myself if I let you go and something happened to you. Please." She stared up at me with her big eyes and smiled, grabbing my hand.

"I think he's still in there. I don't believe he'd hurt me. Jack, you don't have to be so protective over me." She chuckled a little bit and I placed my hand on her cheek.

"I have to. You are the only reason I'm still alive." She gave me a look of sympathy.

"I really hope that's not true. I'm not going to be here forever."

She placed her hand on my wrist, my hand still caressing her cheek. She nuzzled her cheek deeper into my hand. I stared down at her for what felt like a million years, but I still wanted it to last longer.

Ana cleared her throat, causing the both of us to jump back into the real world.

"C'mon, both of you are acting like teenagers. Just ask her to prom, rent the limo, yada yada yada. We have work that needs to be done."

We broke from each other and walked down the long hall, getting darker and dustier with every step. It was all so... familiar. This is where I met Gabriel, where I met Jesse, where I met Angela,  this was the old Gibraltar headquarters, until we moved to Switzerland.

The room was the second to the last at the end of the hall. My room was right next to his. The last room. I smiled, remembering every moment in these rooms. Game nights in Ana's room were the highlight of our week. We would play classic games like Twister and poker. Sometimes even Cards Against Humanity. People would look at us like we were gods, but we were just normal people.

I creaked open Gabe's old door. The room was dusty. I coughed from the amount that immediately went up my nose. Angela stopped me and had me breath while she stepped in. She has cats, she's used to dust. I watched her from afar. The whole room was grey from the dust, except for a spot on the bed and a pot of colorful flowers. There was a wet stain on the carpet surrounded by broken glass and dying flowers.

Angela looked around for a second before she turned back to Ana and I.
"Are you sure you saw him? Here?"
Ana looked at Angela, assuring her she isn't crazy or luring them in to kill the two of them.

"I know what I saw. He was sitting on the bed. His mask was off. Terrifyingly enough, he looked like Gabriel."
I looked over at Angela, nodding at her and patting Ana on the back.

"Ana, he is Gabriel."

Her expression was one I've never seen before. She looked terrified, happy, disgusted, and relieved. She darted her eyes around the room, breathing heavily. She looked over at Angela with glassy eyes.

"I need to lay down." Angela stepped back over to her, leading her to her old room and placing her on the bed. It was dusty too, but we just took the big blanket off and shook it around, causing all of the dust to fly up in the air. I dropped the comforter and covered my mouth and nose, coughing like a maniac.

Angela guided Ana onto the bed and came up to me, leading me out of the room and back into Gabriel's. She sat me on the bed and told me to breath. this room wasn't as dusty, and it wasn't all flying up into the air.

"You need to be more careful. You just can't seem to catch a break." She dusted off a spot on a chair next to the wall made of glass. She looked outside and stood up, changing angles and staring more intently outside. I stood up again and walked over to her. I stood behind her and looked out the window.

The view was gorgeous. The clear blue and green waved crashing onto the partially sandy, rocky beach shore. The sky's well-known blue faded into beautiful yellows, oranges, reds and pinks. only half of the sun was visible as it disappeared behind the horizon line. The light reflected on the water, making the water glimmer. A few stars were visible as well. I remember Gabe telling me he has the best view in the whole building, and now I believe him. It was the most beautiful thing you could ever imagine.

"Do you see that?" I looked down at her. "Angela, I don't see anything. Just the beautiful view."

"No, no. Not the view, even though it is beautiful." She pointed her finger at the shore, barely in view of the window.
"That, right there."

I did see it. A tall, large, dark mass sat there, staring out at the sea. It was on top of one of the bigger rocks. It had something in it's hand. I shook in my place.

"Oh. my. god." Angela pushed me out of the way and ran out of the room. She ran down the hall. Ana sprung up from her bed and ran out, blocking me from running.

"What's going on? Where is she going?" I pushed Ana away and began to sprint.
"I'll explain later, I promise."

I was behind Angela. She pushed open doors and turned down different halls.
"Angela!" She threw open a door and ran into a room surrounded in screening.

"Angela! Come back!" She pushed the screen door open and ran down the wooden stairs onto the beach.
"Angela, at least slow down, please!"

The mass was a man, a recognizable man. The person I hoped it wouldn't be. Gabriel looked away from the beach, his mask off and in his hands. Angela ran up to him.

He hopped off the rock and Angela crashed into him. He fell into the sand and she clung onto him. I saw it all happen.

She started to sniffle. He embraced her too with his big arms. I heard him laugh and whisper, "Hey there, angel."

Hello everyone! Ok, I've been inactive. I'm so sorry for the long wait. I have had writer's block forever. I'm also on vacation right now. I promise I'll upload more! This chapter took forever (even tho it's not that long) and I still have to go back and reread ugh. alright see y'all next time! <3

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