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So, I have my first couple of viewers! I like to write to don't be surprised if a few chapters go up very soon. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy chapter 4!

(Genji's POV)
I opened my eyes with a smile on my face. The night before I actually had some success with Angela! Even though  I did get yelled at by Morrison, I still had a great night.

I walked out of my room and started down the hall. I reached the mess hall where I saw most of the people working with Overwatch. After scanning the room a couple times, my eyes caught her.

She looked stunned, almost like someone told her that her parents died and she is moving across the country. I have never seen her so strange.

Walking over to her, I heard alot of people saying the same few words. 'Reaper... captured... Talon...'

I reached Angela all the way in the back. I called out for her as she stared blankly into space. It wasn't until I waved my hand in her face that she seemed to snap out of her little trance.

She looked up at me and gave me a dishonest smile. "Good morning Genji!" she said in a forced, calm tone.

I sat down next to her and placed my hand on hers resting on the table.

"Angela, are you alright?" Once I asked those words, she looked down at our hands and back up at me with an unreadable expression.

"Why, of course I am! They brought Reaper here to our home base without thinking about our safety, I can't even turn around without feeling like he'll walk over and kill me. That sounds pretty alright to me, does it not?" She then stood up and walked out of the mesh hall. Gone.

(Mercy's POV)
I just had to get out of there quickly. I couldn't stand being around that many people in my state. I wasn't mad at Genji, not at all. In fact, the only reason I walked out on him was to not let him see me cry.

I lied to Genji. I do think he's dangerous to keep here, but now, I know what I saw in that rubble was true. Gabriel evaporating and in his place, the white mask. I had ruined Gabriel. I made the monster.

I needed to get in there, I needed to see him. I marched over to Jack's office and knocked on the already open door. I heard his rough voice from across the room.

"Come in, whoever you are."

I walked in and stood above a slouched over Jack, filling out a binder of charts and files.

"Make it quick, I'm pretty busy." I cleared my voice and began to speak myself.

"I only need a second." After I spoke, Jack looked up in wonderment and smiled at the sight of me, closing his binder and standing up. He walked out from behind his desk as his rough voice became more of a cheerful chuckle.

"Angela! I wasn't expecting you to come! What's up?" He stood in front of me now, using his hands on the desk for support.

"Well, this is sort of a weird request, but I was wondering if I could go in and see the Reaper."

He looked at me confused when I finished. I just twiddled with my fingers behind my back.

"Is there a reason you want to visit him, Dr. Ziegler?" I didn't think he'd ask that, I had no idea what to say. I looked at him, biting my lip nervously when I thought of something.

"RESEARCH! Yeah, research! I have reasons to believe that Reaper was once human, so I would like to figure out how he can now turn into his wraith form, and maybe find a way to apply it to other people."

I knew this would work. Jack always gives in if it's about a new advancement that could help the team. He sighed and looked at me.

"Alright. If you think you can get him to talk about something, anything, that could help us, I'll let you see him. Just know, if he attempts anything, I'll be very close by. Damn, Angie. You always find a way to persuade me." He smirked at me, which caused me to slightly laugh.

He started to walk out of the room and after a few seconds, he turned around and looked at me.

"Comin'?" I cheered slightly and started to follow Jack through crazy corridors.

(Reaper's POV)
I was turned away from the door, thinking about my escape and how I'll get my guns back. I'll destroy Jack, I'll destroy anyone who gets in my way. I'll- My thought was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the sliding door.

"How many times must I tell you, you won't get any info on Talon from me," I expected to turn around just to see the white hair and glowing red visor, but Instead, golden blond hair and diamond eyes. The grip in my fist loosened, almost completely relaxing which hadn't happened the entire time I had been there.

She turned her head and nodded at the old soldier, who was standing by the open door. he then sighed and walked out of the room. She looked back at me with her arms crossed and sighed. "I'm sorry, Gabriel."

Hey hey hey! ok so I hope you liked my chapter! I'll come out with #5 soon so stay in touch. I'm gunna skim through one more time and fix any mistakes. thxxx <3

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