4-Feliks' Diary

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Toris finally came home and sighed since he was exhausted after the shopping. He lied on his bed after taking his outside clothes off. He had only his white shirt and dark brown trousers on him. He sunk into thoughts, he put his arm on his forehead.

"I am really a stupid, dumb... What if he sends his army to my borders..." He kept silent for a while, he put his arms on his stomach with a painful expression on his face. "I hate it... Stress is going to kill me seriously...Dievas (God)..."

How could he did that to Ivan? He must be a crazy! He was so worried. He wished that no one saw them at that time.

"Anyways... I have a meeting with Feliks tonight, no? I have to think about it first, yeah, yeah of course... Seriously, he didn't say the actual time we are going to meet, he just said 'evening'. What 'evening' seriously... Ugh..."

He took his mobile phone to call him and ask him about the actual hour. However, it seemed like his friend's phone was closed or maybe dead.

"How unusual of him... Anyways, I can call him after a while..."

He stood up and went to the kitchen to put the fruits and vegetables into the refrigerator. After finishing this, he made a coffee for himself. He took the coffee mug and went to the living room, taking an old book he had always liked to read. He didn't know how many times he read it, but it didn't changed the beauty of that book. So he sat on the sofa and started to read a random part of the book. Of course he didn't forget to enjoy with the coffee as well.

After thirty minutes, he was bored. And of course he was still thinking about the actual hour of that meeting. Maybe that was the one which made him bored of reading. He couldn't focus on the book, so he threw it to the other side of the sofa. He took his mobile phone again and called Feliks. It was still closed to the callings. He started to feel weird, and called him over and over again. Still no answer...

"What's going on, this isn't normal..."

He called his friend's office, boss, and even the German twins... No news about him... No one haven't seen him that day. He immediately got prepared and went out to go to Feliks' house.

"I bet he is sleeping, or maybe he is fooling me! What could be happened except these?"

He started to knock the door of his friend. No answer, there was only silence like the phone callings. He was worrying more and more as the time passes. He finally took a deep breath and broke the door with his shoulder.

When he went in, he was shocked, everywhere was in a mess, as if someone did it on purpose, or some people had fought there. He was shivering, because of the fear... What if something had happened to Feliks? What if he had an accident?

He checked out everywhere in the house, but couldn't find anything. He finally sat on the ground, leaned on the wall and covered his face with his hands. That was terrible... Feliks was missing. His beloved friend was missing... He felt so alone. He didn't know where to look, where to find him. He was hopeless.

When he uncovered his face, he saw a book on the ground. He reached and took it between his palms.

"'The Poland Rules'... Huh, Feliks is Feliks anyway..."said he, smiling with pain.

He started to turn the pages of it, then he saw that it wasn't a book. It was a notebook, infact it was a diary. It was Feliks'. His eyes widened when he understood this, and he started to examine the pages in a hurry. He saw that Feliks wrote his last memories here that morning. He knew that it was a wrong thing to read other people's diaries. Like every human being, he finally lost to his own curiousity, and started to read that day's memories of him...

He read, and understood something really weird. His heart melted with the letters he saw on the wet paper. He finally felt that warm tear drops were falling down from his beautiful green eyes. His soul was trembling, so was his hands. He immediately chose random memories of him again and again.

"Since when... And why is he..."he stopped thinking and focused on reading.

"My Little (Pony~) Dear Diary,

I am going to give him a present today~.... What would it be you think? A HORSE! Well, I wish I could give him a pony just like mine, but, like, since he is much taller than me, I don't think that a pony would suit him. I even don't think that he loves little cute things, well, like, maybe I'm a exception, no?? I bet that he likes me because of this. I have no other friends, so this must be the only answer, no??

Dear Diary,

Sadly, his beloved horse is dead today, I was so ashamed to give him his early birthday gift. He cried a lot, I really cannot stand it. I wish his horse had never been dead... It's so impossible to show my sadness, I cannot write it here... Any of the languages on the world don't have enough word to explain my sadness. I am not sad because of the horse, but because of his broken heart, his tear drops...

God, please help him..."

"Dear F*cking Diary,

You know what? I'm really mad at that Russian man, he is always chasing Toris to become one with him,  he is really a crazy man. However, I am much more mad at myself, since I don't have enough strenght to protect Liet from that bastard..."

"Dear Lovely Diary,

God, we really did it! He accepted to wear female clothes with me for a whole day! Since this is, like, my birthday! God, I'm so happy because you created me!"

Toris closed the cover of the diary, and put it right next to himself. He didn't know that his beloved friend felt all of those feelings and wanted to write down all memories of two of them. Had he been blind about Feliks' feelings? Or was it Feliks who had professionally covered his feelings for all this time?

"The last memory he wrote... Something happened... Maybe..." he stopped.

There was nothing but a dark silence. He was so ashamed, you could understand this just by looking at his red and burning face. If it was because of that thing, he had to search him and explain him the truths.
He finally stood up, left Feliks' house and started to run.

He had to find him, whatever happens...

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