11-Just A Mistake...

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His voice was echoing inside my head... I thought that I was going to die because of my abnormal heart beats, I thought that I was going to be blind because of my tear drops running through my cheeks. I got muddled up... I wished that I didn't meet Ivan that moment... Now... What? What was I doing there in the middle of  one of the streets of my homeland? Dievas (God)... If I just had a chance to bring the time back... Was he okay, Ivan's sisters even didn't tell me about him. What if he was already dead?

My shoulders... Are.... Wait, are they really warm?! My back is also so. As if something or someone is trying to make me calm down. However, it makes me even sadder than just before's... Go my tears, go faster, yes, just like that! I love you all anyway... Is that thing whispers something to my ear?! Wind? In the middle of... Wait, it has gone?! I swear that it was raining just a second ago!

It is getting warmer... And... Darker...


"Hmm, Lithuania? You don't look good, is there a problem?"

Ivan was obviously taller than Toris who was working on the papers on his Soviet years' room's table. It seemed that he didn't want to give the taller man an answer, but if he didn't, it would be a big problem, especially for himself. So he forced himself to spare his energy to give an answer.

"I don't think so."

"Hmm~? Then why do you staring at an empty paper?"

Toris shook his head and widened his eyes a bit, as if he came to himself just that moment.

"I'm so sorry, I will correct my mistake..."

"Maybe because of working too much, da~?" said he giving him a great smiling. However Toris didn't reply him as if he didn't hear his words, what could he say anyway? "It's been four moths since you came back here, though~."

"I will correct my mistake..."

Ivan left the room saying nothing. Toris was still saying the same thing to himself...

I will correct it, I will correct it, I will correct it....

However, just after a little while, his lookings were attached to the Soviet poster in the wall in his right side. Maybe he didn't realize it at first, but Ivan was the one who pasted the poster just a minute ago. He suddenly stood up and took the poster and started to tear down it while he was also crying. He was angry with the poster somehow, maybe just because of it was the reason that make them being parted. It was the only reason that forbidded him to see Feliks again.

However, during that time, he couldn't realize that he was being watched by someone else who was standing before his door which was opened by the same person. It seemed that she was disappointed by the scene.

"What are you doing?"

Toris stopped with the fear that was ruling his whole body that was born by hearing that voice. He turned and looked at her, his eyes widened then.

"I said what are you doing right there with my beloved brother's country poster?"

"N-Nat-atalia...I..I.."stuttered Toris, he couldn't move his tongue even a little. Natalia leaded him immediately and slapped him rigidly. His cheek turned into the crimson color.

"DO I LOOK LIKE I NEED AN ANSWER, YOU JERK?!" shouted she. "Why do all of you hate him?! What did he do to you? Is it really a bad thing to live together?! I know that he has some bad sides, but... It doesn't make him a bad person, no?!" It seemed that she was going to cry, Toris thought that he saw her tear drops even a bit.

"Right but..."he had to be stronger, he knew that but he also knew that it was hard. However, he tried at least... "He forces us, and I don't want it, just look at America... He became independent from England even though England was the one who raised America!"


"Lithuania? Belarus? What is the problem?"asked Ivan who was just passing there. He didn't expect to see a scene like that actually. "You guys are fighting, da?"asked he curiously.

"Brother..."she took some of the Soviet poster pieces and showed them to his brother. "This was the reason (please marry me...)"

Ivan looked at them and gave a smile to the Lithuanian man. "Lithuania, can you please come with me, da~?"

It's over, I'm done, I'm dead, Dievas (God) please help me... I'm really a stupid, an idiot!

He was trembling, imagining that what kind of pain would his punishment be. He couldn't move only because of this.

"Hm? Lithuania? Let's go."



"Just go after him you fool!"said Belarus hitting his head. Lithuania started to follow the taller man immediately then, Ivan smiled.

Following him reminded Lithuania his old memories... He thought about his miserable scars on his back, which wouldn't be changed until the end of his life. He knew about the punishment, but he didn't expect none of those. Being captured, being forced to work for Russia again, being slapped by Belarus...

I have never seen her like that before...

And the worst was about Feliks... He even didn't know about his situation. Was he alive or not? He clearly felt the pain in his heart, deep inside...

"We came~."

He was like he was woken by Ivan's voice. He wished that all of those were just nothing more than a simple nightmare... But all of them were the truths...Unfortunately.

It's happening again... My heart is going to explode...

Hey, Feliks... I miss you so much right now...

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