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Dear readers, the video above was made by me, with a really good Turkish rap song, I wanted to make a picture video with it about Lietpol <3 The song is "Benim Aklımdan Zorum Var."(means "I'm out of my mind.") by Şanışer, you can turn on the English subtitles I've added! I hope you like it! And of course, I hope you enjoy with this chapter!


"Did he...? Did he really..."

He was still crying, even though his eyes were in pain because of this. He was really tired, he had lost all his strength. He was lying on the cold earth, it wasn't really an important thing for him, whatever happens. His golden hair was full of dust, and so were his precious clothes.


His heart could be broken so easily, even though he was cheerful most of the time. It was his weakest side. That much depression, hurted his stomach at last. 

"Damn, why are we so similar, even about stress...?!"He cried more and more, he had lost his mind.

Since no one could find him there, he was free to be gone crazy. This special place of him was at the top of a mountain in his homeland. Whenever he wanted to be alone, he had always come there. Even Toris didn't know about this, at least he thought so, since he didn't mention him about there before. He had not wanted him to know his suffer for all this time.

Then he stood up with all his strenght. He could barely stand on his feet, only because of his injured soul. He rubbed his tears and began to watch the landscape before him.

"Góry, lasy, doły... (Mountains, forests, pits)" murmured he while he was watching the landscape. 

He closed his eyes and focused on feeling the wind which was passing through his cheeks, hair and ears. His nature was really, the best of the world. Since he was so close to the cliff, he could fall down if he had lost his balance. However, it wasn't a problem for him, his balance was "the best of the world" anyway...

After a moment, he heard a sudden echo. It was just like water to him which made him woken up. He opened his eyes calmly, and looked around. He could hear a known voice, but his brain was too lazy to think about this unexpected voice. As the sound came closer, he finally understood everything. He sighed and turned his face back to the host.

Toris was trying to catch his breath, as he was looking at Feliks.

"Hey... hah.... ahh... Yo..!"


"Uhm, it...hah.... it seems like there is.. a misunderstanding..."


"Uhm, look, really, I... If I could've known that you were---"

"Liet, how could you find me?"

"It's not the main issue..."

"I said how could you?"his voice was trembling.


"Do you hear me?"

"That's not the matter! If you saw me today, there, in the village, I can explain everything!"

Feliks laughed with pain when he heard these words of Toris.

"Seriously, I saw you smiling with him for the first time... Even though you told me about everything he did to you... Even I couldn't..."he was trying not to cry.

"Please, just listen to me!"Toris was angry. "He forced me to do that thing, even it's not a big thing, but please believe me he forced me!"said he trembling.


"Yes, I was smiling at him, but do you really think that it was a real smiling? After he...."


"After he... kissed me... I-I pushed h-him with all m-my strength, he fell down... A-And, bang his head to wall, and, and.... I s-s-started to run so f-fast..."

The Polish man looked at his old friend with no expression on his face. Toris was sweating, maybe because of running, or maybe because of his heart beats. However, it was so understandable that he was too excited. Infact his stomach was in a big pain, but he was trying not to show his pain to him. His heart's pain was much worse than it anyway.

Feliks started to laugh so hard. However, Toris couldn't understand if it was his real laughter or not. His heart was just like it was going to stop, he had a lump on his throat, he just wanted to throw up everything inside his stomach.

When Feliks finally stopped laughing, he opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but he couldn't. Toris could see his tears from distance.


That moment, Feliks let himself fall down from the cliff.

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