3. Protection...

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Y/N's PoV
"How about this?" He turned around holding up a fur coat.
"Aren't fur coats for girls?"
He scoffed and waved me off.
He put it on and it fit his form perfectly with his jeans.
He looked over and smirked at me, looking at his form.
I blinked and smiled up at him. "Why are you smirking? Shouldn't you be trying to eat my brains?" I laughed.
He stepped closer to me, causing me to step back.
I backed against the wall and shut my eyes scared.
I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I couldn't speak.
Within a matter of seconds, I felt his cold breath on my neck.
I could feel his eyes on me.
" E'Dawn...? "
"Shh... Don't move..."
My breath hitched and I could feel his lips lightly brush my neck.
I could feel his wet tongue slightly drift across a few centimeters of my neck.
My hands instinctively grip onto his elbows.
"What are you doing?"
" Marking my territory. " he whispers.
"Y-your territory?"
" Yeah, you know, so the zombies who do want to eat your brains, smell my scent and think you're a zombie too. It's a protection mechanism. " he smiles like a giddy kid bragging about getting a 100% on their test.
"Why are you all shaky?-" he looks down at my hands on his elbows. "-and holding onto me? Did you think I was doing something else?" he smirks and pushes me against the wall again.
"N-no!" I push him away slightly and walk over to the fire escape.
"Look! A bus!" I point to a school bus at least two miles away.
"That'll take forever to walk."
" I can drag you again. "
"No need. But I can carry you. "He smirked.
" No E-"
He picked me up bridal style before I could get my words out and headed out the fire escape.

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