20. W a l k . . .

83 6 4

Y/N's PoV
Its been a few days since we found the car.

My mind keeps racing.

You see, there's this problem...

Its this... Pain.

In my stomach. I can't explain it. Its a feeling I've never experienced.

It started a few months after me and E'Dawn-

NO. I'm not...

Am I?

Shit. What would he think?

"Y/N?" I hear.

"E-Dawn?" I whisper back.

"Yeah... Baby, we need to walk. The car's empty."

I open my eyes and look up at him.

"Good morning beautiful, you up for a walk in the woods?" He smiles.

"Why not?" I smile and rub my eyes.

He opens the car door and helps me out.

"Out you go m'lady."

"Thank you." I bow and laugh.

He laughs too and shuts the car door. He picks me up bridal style and spins me around excitedly.

"Woah! Woah! Stop, I'll get dizzy!"

He smiles and puts me down. "Shall we be on our journey then?"

I nod and grab his hand, my other over my stomach. I'm kind of feeling queasy now.

"So, who's this friend of yours?"

"His name is Hongseok. His father was great friends with mine, which led to us being childhood friends. He's very smart. He graduated high school early and helps at his dad's lab up north. He's practically family."

"How far is the lab?"

"Not far. I drove a few miles while you were asleep. The most we have to walk now is at least a mile. We can take our time though."

He stopped walking, causing me to jolt next to him. He motions for me to stay quiet.

Rustling can be heard nearby.

"Zombies." He whispers and drags me over by a tree. He encloses me against the tree to shield me from them.

He lowers his head to the crook of my neck and licks the few centimeters that he has taken a liking too many times before.

"What if he's-"

"The lab is protected very well. No zombies could've gotten in. He practically lives there. There's no way he could be one of them."

"Stay close to me, we'll get to the lab in no time."

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