19. S i n g M e T o S l e e p . . .

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Y/N's PoV

I flutter my eyes open to the feeling of the car coming to a sudden stop. I look to my side and see E'Dawn looking out the window in deep thought. I snuggle up against his arm, startling him.

"What's wrong? You seem frustrated." I slide my hand down his leg to feel for his hand due to the dim lighting of the moon.

His fingers twitch, slightly acknowledging my presence. He sighs slightly and keeps his eyes glued to the outside world beyond the window of the car.

I look up at his sculpted face and see his jaw clenched. He's visibly troubled.

I lightly caress his jaw, slowly pulling his face to look at me. I look into his eyes and smile softly.

"If we are going to work as a couple, you need to talk to me. What's bothering you?"

He looks deep into my eyes and closes them after.

"My senses are increasing. I can feel an extra presence everywhere we go, it's like we're being followed. I'm just worried and alert."

I stumble on words. I don't know how to put it... I'm not even sure yet... I don't even know how he'd take it... What if... He doesn't want it?

"Y/N?" I snap out of it and look up at him. "Now you seem troubled."

"No. No. No. I was just thinking of what it could be." I smile nervously. I fear he can see through my lie.

"Well, you should get some more rest. How about I sing you a lullaby?" He smiles happily.

"Yes, sing me to sleep." I snuggle against him and close my eyes, a smile stuck on my face.

"I've been working on a song for a while."

"You sing?"

"That's a story for another time." He hushes me and starts to hum out his melody, followed by lovely lyrics that I didn't quite hear due to my body slowly falling deep into a warm slumber.

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