Did it mean something??

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Jace POV

I ran to my room in tears after what Breunna and Lorelle said about me. I'm useless to this family. A disgrace to this house. Several knocks were at my door but I ignored it. I stayed in my room from 1:30 yesterday to 6:45 today and not planning on coming out.

Chresanto knocked on my door.

Chres: Jace you got to come out and eat.

I ignored him. About an hour later my door opened revealing a Diggy. He hugged me and I hugged him back.

Diggy: I..um..we need to talk.

I sat up concerned with what he has to say.

Jace: Sure?

He looked down at his feet.

Diggy: I..uh..um..im just gonna say it. I got Lorelle pregnant.

I was silent for a minute.

Jace: FUCK!

He looked at me surprised. Tears sprung out of my eyes.


I yelled pointing to the door.

Diggy: No Jace please listen.

I began to scream.

Jace: AHHHHH!!

Chresanto along with Ariana Bahja Zonnique and my uncles came rushing in my room.

Jacob: What happened?!


They pulled Diggy out. Zonnique looked at me. Ariana wiped my tears away and comforted me.

Bahja: What happened?

Jace: He g-got Lorelle Pr-pregnant.

Their faces went down.

Zonnique: Let's give her time to herself.

The hugged me and walked out of my room shutting the door. I called Yaliss, Kaylyn and Dylan so we can go skating.

I put on my all black crop top and my acid washed overalls. I then put on my all star Converses.I let my hair stay it's natural tight curls and added a black beanie that says 'Boss' in white bold print. I put on some mascara and eyeliner and some pink lipgloss. I grabbed my phone and slipped it into my pocket along with $50.

I heard talking downstairs. I walked down to see Chres yelling at Daniel. I went over to the couch behind Diggy.

Jace: What's up?

Chres: Jace, what did Diggy do to you?

I smiled.

Jace: It's not what he did to me, oh no. It's what he did to Lorelle.

Diggy looked down. The bellrung.

Jace: That must before me.

I opened the door and Kaylyn Yaliss and Dylan marched in. It isn't their first time coming here. Dylan was by Yaliss. I looked at Daniel and walked over to Dylan. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He hesitated to kiss back but eventually did. He slipped his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues were at war and to be honest.I didn't wanna let go. But I pulled back and hugged my dad. Daniel look at me and Dylan in disgust.

Jace: By dad!

I walked out hearing Daniel.

Diggy: That was low.

Me Kaylyn Yaliss walked in silence.


I smirked at Dylan.

Jace: Something he enjoyed and Daniel regretting.

Dylan stopped.

Dylan: So u basically used me to get back at Daniel?

I thought about it and shruged.

Jace: Yeah basically.

Dylan smirked.

Dylan: I thought that kiss meant something.

Kaylyn: Oh baby where the popcorn at when you need it?

Jace: Aw, I'm sorry Dylan but just know I love you.

He rolled his eyes.

Dylan: That was fucked up.

Stopped walking at kissed Dylan. He wrapped his hands around my waist and mine around his neck. Yaliss snapped a photo of us. I pulled back staring at Dylan.

Jace: Did that mean something?

Dylan smirked and licked his lips.

Kay&Liss: AWWWWW!!!

I pushed them out the way and walked ahead of everyone.

Jace: This is unbelievable.

Yaliss: That's not what my followers think cause right now your up to 52 likes.

I took her phone.

Jace: Oo that is a cute picture.

Dylan: Lemme see.

He got the phone and saw the picture.

Dylan: Shiiiiit,baby looking mighty fine.

Kaylyn: Your so full of yourself.

Dylan: I wasn't talking about me.

He looked at me and I blushed.

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