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(STEFAN) Everytime we go somewhere Sasha is always present. This girl  is starting to get on my last fucking nerves.

I thought Trevor was gonna hit her. I haven't told anybody yet but growing up Trevor had  anger issues. When we were young the smallest thing would piss him off. Thank God he got it under control. The old him would have exploded on Sasha's ass.

"Now what the fuck is going on here?", I asked

" Isn't it obvious? Sasha has invited herself into our lives uninvited. She's already ruined me and Jase's life by...", said Tyler

"By what Ty bear?", asked Sasha

I hope this dummy don't fuck up and let it slip about the rape and drugging. Then imma be fucking mad.

" You ruined their lives by taking advantage of a drunk Jase. Then you made it sound like he was a willing participant when you knew damn well he loved Tyler. You been after Jase ever since you spotted them at Jill's. Not only that, but you decided to get yourself pregnant so you'd have a part of Jase with you. You need to face this for your own good...Jase will never love you. He will never be with you. Accept that shit.", said Josh

Thank God he stepped in

"Nice observation Josh. All those years of watching  Law & Order: SVU and Criminal Minds finally paid off.", said Sasha

" I don't need to watch SVU & Criminal Minds to know that you're a sadistic, twisted, deranged bitch who wants to see all those around you suffer because deep down you're suffering.", Josh snapped back

Lisa, Jeff, Parker, Lindsay, Belinda, Stephanie, Wes, Brian, Scott, Lauren, Steven,and Tracy all walked up

"Alright Alright Alright enough is enough.", said Jeff

I looked at my sister. She looked as if she was gonna read Sasha for filth.

" Mom I know that look in your eyes. That means you're getting ready to go ham on Sasha, but before you do let me catch you up to speed on what all went down. Melissa was sitting down eating her hot dog when Sasha and what's her name walked up and started a argument. Then Tommy texted Melissa and  asked where she was. She said she was minutes away from beating Sasha's ass. That's when we all came over here. Sasha has had words with Jase, Tommy, Melissa, Tyler, and Josh the whole time we've been over here.", said Chase

"Did you leave anything out Chase?", asked Jeff

" Oh yeah... Sasha you really starting to get on my last motherfucking nerves. Why were you outside our house last night? That shit is creepy. I was up watching you so don't deny it.", said Chase

"She was what? Outside of my home? OK that's it. I've tried to keep my cool for Jeff's sake but I can't do this anymore. Lil girl ever since you came into the picture its been one thing after the next. First you almost ruined my son's relationship with Tyler. Then you came to my house uninvited and started all that bullshit. Then you came and ruined my daughter's party. Now you're here at October Fest with the same shit. What is your damn issue?", asked Lisa

" I don't have an issue. And when I came to your house both times I was coming to tell Jase that I think he should get more involved with this pregnancy. I'm already at 4 months. I can't do this by myself. I want him  to be involved in our baby's life.", she said

"How do you expect him to even want to go to with you to your doctor visits or anything of that nature when you pull stunts like this? I don't blame him one bit.", said Lisa

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