Alone Isolation

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May 12th, 2014

   Further diversion from society, that's exactly what I need. Yes, I'm being sarcastic in case you are wondering. Anyway, all I know that today is not my day. Like any other human being I decided to go to the restroom at the office. You know to relieve myself and I guess that was a must because work was basically butchering me. I noticed that someone tried to open the door of the stall I was in and then there was a knock. I gave the prankster a sarcastic reply: "sure I'll open the door for you," but what I heard gave me Goosebumps.

   A person or a thing with a screechy voice answered back "I don't need the stall. I need you to come out and play". That was it, the stall's lights went out. Through the darkness I tried to find my way out and I somehow found the door handle. As I opened the door, it was apparent to me that the whole place was dark. I had to use the light from my cellphone to bear my surrounding. It felt like the whole world disappeared. From the office windows, I could tell it was night-time despite the fact it was noon when I went in.

   I've must've passed out while taking a dump. Navigating my way back to my work-station, I've noticed there was a message left on my PC's screen "Live your life normally, the means for your existence will be provided".

   I did not know how to respond to this message and can anyone actually respond to that? Just half an hour ago I was living my so called "existence" without the need for others and now this happens. At this point, writing this diary seems worthless. Who am I addressing anyway? I haven't kept one before, but I guess I'm compelled to write down what's happening to keep myself from going crazy. I need to wake up from this nightmare.

May 13th, 2014

    I'm in my apartment. I just woke up feeling utterly exhausted. It felt like someone was stepping on me while I dozed off. It's around 5:30 a.m. understandably the sun is not up yet. The TV seems to function with channels operating normally. Shifting through several news channels and it seems that the world was still intact and that's a good sign I guess. It is 7:00 a.m. still the sun is down and the office is dark. No matter how many times I try to switch on the lights they won't come on. I'm beginning to panic. I said to myself that the streets might be clear because people are lazy and don't wake up as early as I do, but this is insane. Why am I the only one here? I sat there for a while, now its 9:30 in the morning I had to take a leak.

   I came back to my station and strangely there are loads and loads of paperwork to be done. There is a new message on the screen "start chopping!" I'm utterly confused and what's more terrifying is I'm starting to actually work, but for why am I doing this job? What is the freakin' point? It's almost noon and there is no sun outside, I finished my work I'm trying to keep my sanity intact. I tried the internet and seem to work. The world seems to be going on normally and my Social Network accounts are functioning. I could type in my replies, but no one seems to notice them. The same thing goes for my phone when I try to call. The lines are always busy or people pickup, but they seem not to hear me. Any attempt to contact anyone in the real world is met by failure?!

May 30th, 2014

    A two weeks had passed and nothing had changed. My routine hasn't changed much either. I repeat the same process every day. I got used to living in total darkness. I'm aware that I'm writing in short sentences. I cannot fathom what is happening to me. I want to see someone ... anyone. Same year I lost track of days. I think its June and I'm not sure. Television and internet stopped working. Nevermind ... Bleach ... hah excellent Nirvana albums.


    It's cold and I think its winter, but there is no snow and it usually snows a lot here. To me, I feel like I'm being watched and cared for by an unknown entity. Never been short of food or water, everything is provided, but I'm so alone. The workload at the office is becoming less and less. I'm receiving less mysterious orders and messages on my PC screen and frankly I think it's dying. What will I do without something to occupy my time?

Don't care anymore

   Yeah, I'm done now. I don't want to live anymore. Everything is dark. My phone, the main source of light for most of my days, is dying. The charger is not working anymore. I must use what's left of light to end this. I got a shotgun now. I think it'll do the job. It worked for others.

Yearning for the beyond

   Douglas Bane put down his pen. He didn't want to write anymore. It was pointless to keep track of what he was doing ever since he started to write the damn diary. No one will be reading it anyway. The cellphone's light was dying and before everything goes completely dark, he had to kill himself and end it. Taking the shotgun next to him, Douglas pointed the other end of the barrel to his mouth and put his thumb on the trigger. He struggled with the fact that it was almost over.

   From darkness he came and into darkness he will go minus the breathing and the daily chores. At the moment Douglas tried to pull the trigger a door burst open. There was light and someone was standing there. Douglas' jaw dropped and as if he was embarrassed, he tried to hide the shotgun behind his back. "Shy, aren't we?" said the person at the door. The shadowy figure urged him "go ahead and pull the trigger". For the first in God knows how long, Douglas was spoken to. He couldn't resist the flood of questions he was about to release on this individuals because it has been so long since he heard someone else besides him talking.

   "What? Another living/breathing human being? And wait! Did you just say I should shoot myself? Aren't you supposed to do the opposite?" Douglas couldn't tell who was at the door.

   He was like a blind lab-rat which just got exposed to light. The shadowy figure approached Douglas and took the shotgun from him. "You don't need this," the other person said. Douglas saw the person when he came very close and he was shocked.

   "You ... you're me!!! How? Why?" a statement which the Doppelganger replied "I am you and you are me and yadda yadda yadda. What's important that the game is over and you my friend will remain here alone ... forever!"

   "No no no. Please I've been a good boy. Don't leave me alone. I'm afraid of the dark. I don't want to be alone. Please," Douglas begged the Doppelganger. "

   "Sucks to be you or is it me. We'll never know ... Goodbye," the Doppelganger said while shutting the door.

   Douglas ran towards the direction where the door was supposed to be but there was nothing. Now realizing that he couldn't even die, Douglas let out a primal scream, but no one was around to hear him. Isolation complete.

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