Save Me

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The black alarm clock on the table read in large red numbers. It flickered once every five seconds catching Skyle Juliet Mason attention. Her eyes opened and stared blankly at the clock, with a look of complete annoyance. Her hair was swept across her face, messy.

The last number flickered to the next, making Skyle rolled her blue eyes. She should start to wake up at least now then get dress for school. The thought of school disturbed her that she suddenly felt herself about to vomit.

She pulled the purple blankets over her head getting rid of the bright red numbers.

Why must she go to a school where people bullied her and called her a freak? Why must she go there with no friends what so ever?

The students don't like her because she is different and the teachers always judge her as an idiot that does not know any answers or anything in class whatsoever, even through she constantly makes straight A's and B's except in Physical Education, where she always made straight C's in.

A small knock, is what she heard the next 5 minutes causing her to groan to herself.

Can she just stay home for once?

"Skyle, dear. It's time for you to wake up for school." The soft voice of her mother, Lenda called behind the door.

Skyle pulled down her blankets, but afterward didn't move at all. She can see the faint light underneath the door crack, and her mother's shadow stood still.

"Skyle?" She called once more,

"I'm up mom!" Skyle snapped, and then the shadow underneath the door disappeared within seconds. Skyle turned to the clock on her side.

She then pulled the blanket away from her, sitting on her bed she looked around her dark bedroom, that is covered with many posters of 'Nirvana' or 'Metallica.'.

Her bare feet touched the ice cold floor and she flinched, getting out of bed making her way to her closest, not cutting on the light.

She opened her closest door, revealing many of her outfits.

Some her mom and family members bought for her for Christmas and some is what she picked out for herself.

She grabbed her torn blue jeans, and black band shirt of her favorite band-Oceanship.

When she finished getting dressed, she then look at her clock once again.

She grabbed her dark blue and black book-bag, in the corner of the room and then out of her bedroom.

The light of the hallway, hit her eyes and she hurried and close her blue eyes shut, before blinking them back open getting used to the light.

Her mom Lenda was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, while her father set on the sofa in the living room drinking his morning cup of black coffee watching the news on tv.

The living-room and the kitchen are actually, together. In the same room more like it.

"Morning, Sky" Her father greeted, with a sip of his coffee.

"Morning, mom, dad." Skyle replied back, without much emotion.

Through out the country, a virus unknown to men at the current moment have spread...

Lenda, walked in the living room with a tray of two bowls of cereals, and a plate of pancakes. Skyle grabbed her bowl of cereal out of habit, and took a seat right next to her father.

"Oh my." Lenda muttered, looking at the tv. Where a reporter is standing right outside of the town's hospital, a clip board in her hands.

This virus effects people at the ages between 5-89 years. The way to notice this virus are lost of nerves, weakness of back, legs and arms. The slowness of the human heartbeat. Hair lost,lost of speech and the paleness of the skin. No cure has been found, yet. More people, been entering the hospital and the doctors do not know what have started this virus so all viewers are advise to wash their hands, and clean themselves before they eat, sleep or whatever.

Horror 100 Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now