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Unbuckle these straps Jimmy. Take off the handcuffs. Let me out tonight, I'm hungry. Closing your eyes won't make me go away, you know that. Oh trying to count to ten are you? One two three whore knife sex. Oh those aren't numbers are they Jimmy.

    "Shut up!" I shouted, I couldn't stand this thing. For a while it didn't say anything, but I'm no fool. It didn't go away, it didn't leave. How could it, it was strapped down. I had cuffed my hands behind my back and strapped my legs to the chair. It wasn't going anywhere.

    We aren't going anywhere. You're stuck with me all night Jimmy. I won't let you go unless you let me go first. I can make you feel it all, all the pain, all the hunger, and all the rage.

    "Fuck you!" I screamed out loud though there was nothing there to hear me. I could have thought it and the message would have come across the same.

    Already feeling the rage are we? You feel like doctor Jekyll strapped in that chair don't you. Screaming at a monster. You think I'm big bad Hyde do you? Well you're wrong Jimmy, I am you. You are me. All the raw emotions and inner demons. Hyde was an experiment gone wrong, I'm all natural. Come on Jimmy just let me go. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. You know I'll break these cuffs, I'll tear this chair apart. You can't hold me Jimmy.

    "Never again! Do you understand!" I screamed this aloud too. I suppose it made me feel as though I had some power because I could speak out loud and it could not. Of course that was an illusion. I had no power over it. If I did all those young girls would still be here. It took them from this world and I could do nothing. Until now, now it's locked up and it's not getting out.

    Guilty conscience Jimmy? You think you didn't enjoy those girls as much as I did? You think they didn't taste just as good to you? We are the same, you and I.  you've got the mark of the beast, forever. You've always had it Jimmy. Til death do us part Ha ha. Oh what's that an idea popped up in your little brain. Death you say? Yes that's right you little shit. Death. You have a gun you say. You won't use it, you can't hide anything from me Jimmy.

    I started to fumble with the hand cuffs, if I could just get my fingers in my pocket I could grab the key and unhook myself, then I could get to my gun and end this, why didn't I think of it before. I had the power to stop this. The cuffs dug into my wrist as I dug for the key. Got it! Just have to find the lock and turn the key. Click! One hand is free, I pull my arms out from behind my back and take the handcuffs completely off. Now to free my legs and get the gun. A pain shoots through my abdomen and I double over. All my muscles tighten and suddenly my back is seizing violently.

    You think I'm stupid Jimmy. It's already starting, I could feel it. You'll never get to your gun, it's too late, and now that my arms, I'm sorry our arms, are free, getting out of this won't be a problem. You're a pathetic fool. After tonight I'll never let you out again.

    No this can't be happening! The pain is unbearable, and my muscles have become spastic, my bones are creaking inside my body. My heart has never beat this fast. It's making me feel the whole process. What it goes through every night it comes out.

    You're the one who comes out Jimmy, you come out to put a face on for all the people. I let you out so I can live among my prey. You aren't real Jimmy. But now you've become a pain in my ass. After tonight you'll never come out again you little bastard. It's over, I win. I'll go back to living in the damn woods like I did for a hundred years before you even existed.

    That's impossible, I thought. I grew up. I went from being a kid to a teen to an adult. It's just trying to play tricks on me! I won't let it win. Not this time. Not again. I already have too much blood on my hands. I get a moments relief from the pain and unbuckle the straps on my legs. Then it surges back. I lurch forward out of the chair, writhing on the ground. I cannot think. But still it's voice comes through crystal clear.

Horror 100 Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now