And wound up at your door...

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I walked over to the patio doors and stopped in my tracks. I looked out to the pool and saw Adam, James, Matt, Mickey, and Pj. Even Jesse was there, but I kind if expected that, seeing as him and Adam are best of friends. They were all fooling around splashing each other, completely unaware that I was watching them.

"Hiya, I'm Amelia." I said just loud enough for them all to hear me. Finally aware of my presence, there was a chorus of

"Hi Amelia"'s and I shyly waved back in reply.

I hobbled over to the pool steps and struggled to get down them. Adam must have seen me having trouble with the steps and he surrounded me in his perfectly muscular, tattoed arms and lowered me gently into the pool.

"Okay I have to be honest with you, the nurse said that you weren't allowed to swim until your stitches come out, but we will be careful not to let them get wet" he warned me.

"I'll be careful" I promised to him, he seemed reasurred by this. Did Adam actually care about me?

I swam around a bit to try and get used to my weak leg. I swam over to James,

"Hi James"

"Hiya Amelia, how you feeling? That was a nasty fall."

"Im okay now I'm with you lot, much better!" I beamed at him.

"Wait, James, what happened to you?" I questioned, gesturing to a nasty gash on his head, held together by a few butterfly stitches.

"I walked into a door" he muttered after a long silence, he then swam away over to Adam.

Soon enough I had been to see each band member and had answered all their questions about me. It was CRAZY how the tables had turned!

When it was getting dark, the other boys decided to get home, leaving just me and Adam. It was getting cold aswell, so we went inside and dried off.

"Adam, I have no Pajamas?"

"Look in the top drawer in the master bedroom" he teased.

I walked into the master bedroom and found the drawers straight away. In the top drawer was a varied selection of pajamas, so I picked out a fluffy onesie, to warm me up.

I left the bedroom and was pulled into an Adam hug immediately.

"I knew you would pick this one!" he sounded as if he was excited, he was like a small child.

I giggled and hugged him back just as tight. We went into the front room and I lied down on the sofa.

Adam sat next to me for awhile and we just spoke. Eventually, I built up the courage to ask Adam something I had been wondering about all day.

"What happened to James' head?

"He didn't tell you?" he was quite clearly shocked that James didnt tell me.

"Well, he told me that he just walked into a door, but the silent pause before hand tells me not."

Adam gave me a knowing look, and I give him puppy dog eyes, signalling him to tell the truth

"Fine, I'll tell you." he moaned reluctantly. He clearly didn't like going against his friends.

"When you fell, I mean was pushed, at the concert, James jumped to catch you. He's always a bit like that, out to help people. But we didn't expect him to fall aswell, he hit his head on the way down and was unconscious for a few hours, but he was okay after that" Adam told me, clearly feeling guilty.

"For me?"

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