You can come anytime you want...

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Sharna pulled Mickey into a huge hug and kissed him. She really didn't care about the thousands of fans watching, I was so happy for the two of them.

Sharna ran off stage and hugged the three of us waiting for her. Her eyes were full of tears and I started welling up a little too.

"Oh my god girls, did you see that?"

Typical Sharna.

"No, I missed it, what happened?" Holly joked sarcastically.

Sharna laughed at her own stupid comment.

"You three are going to be the most beautiful bridesmaids!" she hugged us again.

"And you are going to be the most beautiful bride" I enthused.

She let out a little squeal just thinking about the wedding. We all talked about her wedding for the rest of the night and when Mickey came back, Sharna yanked him to her and snogged him on the spot. He was a bit taken aback at first and then he let it happen, smiling. They both ran to Mickeys changing room and we all know what happened next.

Until the last concert nothing interesting happened. The morning after the Amsterdam concert, I sat on my own on the bus, I told James I wanted time alone.

Well atleast I didn't lie, I needed to think about what would happen next, I clearly wasn't going to live with Adam, and I still had some of my stuff at his. I might have to get my own place because I can't live with my parents anymore because in a few months I would be 30. And surely James won't want me to stay with him, knowing that I have only just broken up with Adam.

As I was thinking through these things, someone came to sit next to me, I continued to look out of the window. I knew it was one of the boys next to me, I could smell his cologne. The smell was familiar, so my curiousity took over me and I looked over to see who was sitting beside me.

I jolted back when I saw Adam by my side. I really was not expecting to be by my side.

"We need to talk" He said, not even looking at me.

"Changed your mind yet, about our baby?" I asked menacingly.

"No, and I'm not going to. You obviously aren't going to live with me when we get back, so you need to get your stuff. But I'm not having James come in my house ever again, so if you're coming dont bring lover boy with you..."

He still didn't look at me.

"I won't, do you not care about your child, and what is going to happen to it?" I spat at him.

Adam shook his head.

"I couldn't give a shit"

I scowled at him. I noticed PJ looking at me, giving me a look as if to say 'Do you want me to get him away from you?'

I nodded in reply to his silent question and PJ walked over to us. Having known what Adam did to me, he didn't hesitate.

"Adam, leave her alone" PJ said calmly but sternly.

"Oh so you're on her side now?" God, he sounded like a child, but this time it wasn't cute.

"Stop being such a child Adam, just leave the girl alone!" PJ was nearly shouting this time.

"Jesus christ I'll go, at least I know my friends aren't there for me at my worst times" he muttered whilst walking away.

"Thanks PJ, it means a lot."

PJ nodded and sat beside me.

"What was happening?" he asked sympathetically.

I looked at him, and his eyebrows were raised, they would all find out eventually so why not let PJ know now?

"I'm pregnant, it's Adams, and he wants nothing to do with it" I stated, emotionless.

"Damn Amelia, I'm sorry, what are you gonna do?" he was worried for me, why would he care?

"James said he would help me bring it up, y'know I didnt mean for any of this to happen? I'm so sorry, I didn't want to cause any drama between anyone, I just... James was there and he loved me when Adam didn't and, I just, I dont know, I fell for James pretty hard, I'm so so sorry..."

Tears started falling down my cheeks, but I wiped them away and sat up straight, acting strong when I was, in reality, dying inside.

"Heyy, heey, Amelia, don't cry over someone like him, dont let him make you like this" PJ had his arm around my shoulders when Adam turned around.

"So what?!" Adam screamed out. "So is Amelia hitting it off with everyone in this fucking band but not me, huh?!"

He was scaring me now.

"Adam! Shut up now!" I screeched at him.

"Why should I?! When you are the one creeping around telling everyone about our baby and that I rightly do not want anything to do with it!"

Adam pushed me too far, I screamed the next sentence without thinking.

"Im creeping around, atleast I haven't fucked some British model!"

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