Out on your corner in the pouring rain...

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I stayed silent and Adam noticed half way through the drive there. He wrapped his arm around me.

"Are you okay sweetie?"

I continued to look at the floor,  I felt bad but I honestly didn't know what to say to him.

"Amelia, tell me whats wrong?"

I looked up at him, his eyebrows were raised at the middle and I saw the sad in his eyes. God I love that guy.

"Nothing! I was just staring into space!" I laughed off.

He looked me in the eyes with a look thats said 'Are you sure?' and I nodded back.

We soon arrived at the place where Adam was taking us out to and I got all excited. I looked out the window and suddenly I didn't feel so overdressed. We were parked outside of a really posh restaurant with guards around the the front. I suddenly got a glimpse of the VIP life, and it was amazing.

Jesse linked arms with Lydia and Adam had his arm around my waist. Pj, Mickey and Matt followed shortly after, chatting between them.

A pretty waitress with a very short skirt on, showed us to her table. If course PJ started chatting her up and she fell into his trap. PJ had a way with ladies, he just was so genuinely kind to them that you just couldn't resist, but I had Adam so I could resist. 

Adam sat next to me of course, and we ordered our meals.

Whenever I used to go to restaurants there was always that one rowdy table that really annoyed me, today that was us, and I really enjoyed it for once. We were all laughing about each other. About PJ and his flirting.  Matt when he dropped his drumsticks while performing live. Adams recent appearance on Family Guy. Jesse was getting jokes about him leaving the band then joining again. And Mickeys awkward dancing in clubs. We were having such a laugh that it took us a while to realise that the waitress was here.

As she was putting down the food for each of us, PJ complimented her a lot more. Adam tucked a napkin into the neckline if my dress and kissed me on my forehead.

"Enjoy gorgeous" a smile spread across his face.

I love this man more than is healthy for me. I was still staring at him whilst he was joking about PJ again, and then we both started eating.

I had a huge lasagna that I was doubtful I could finish and Adam had spag-bol. He scoffed it all down before I was even half way through mine. I finished mine off and turned to Adam. He smiled at me and I laughed at him. He had sauce all over his face from eating it all so fast.

"You have sauce all over your face Adam!" I laughed at him.

"Oh god no! Im at a posh restaurant, what the heck is wrong with me!"

"Here, look at me." I said trying to hold back laughter.

I dipped the corner of my napkin in the pitcher of water in the middle of the table and giggled at how surreal this was. I wiped his face clean and once I finished his planted a quick kiss on my lips.

I didnt realise that everyone else was watching. Lydia 'Awwww'ed at us but the rest of the boys applauded and I heard one of them say 'Good one Adam'. I blushed the same color as a tomato.

For dessert, me and Adam shared a huge ice cream sundae with chocolate sauce and brownies.

We left the restaurant stuffed, and me and Adam decided to walk home together in the dark.

Hand in hand.

Hi Everyone! This is my very first fanfic I have ever wrote so I am sorry if it is a little cleshè. Please do leave comments on how to improve the story and please tell other people about this story, I want to get the word around a bit. And please please please vote/favourite this, it'd mean alot! Thank you! :) Holly :)x

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