Its not always rainbows and butterflies...

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I stopped and looked in the mirror before taking the pills. I cried my eyes out like a baby.

"Amelia, are you okay in there?" James asked, concerned.

I didn't answer him, I couldn't. It had gotten to the point where it hurt the even breathe.

Your everything

The air that I breathe

Damn, why must one of his song relate to me now. I reminded myself that it was all of theirs, not just Adams.

"Let me in Amelia, I'm being serious now"

I've never heard James sound so stern.

"3...2...1... Amelia, I'm coming in, get away from the door, now."

The door fell to the ground in two parts. I stared at him, shocked by his actions.

"No, no no no no no! Amelia, put down the pills, what are they for?"

James grabbed the packet and read the side.

"You're pregnant? Oh god, I'm so sorry Amelia..."

I showed him Adams text to me and his jaw dropped.

"I can't... I can't do it alone..." I cried, gasping for air.

I snatched the pills out of James' hand and frantically tried to get some pills out of the packet.

James smacked them out of my hands and I screamed at him. I felt so bad, he was only trying to help but I was so stressed, I wasn't me.

"I'll help, Amelia! I'll bring up your child with you, I love you Amelia. Since the first time I saw you. You and, is it Lydia? You were front row at the concert and I saw you, I thought you were so damn beautiful there. When I saw you being pushed by the guards, I died inside, I felt like I had to catch you. If I didn't, I feared I wouldn't see you again, I've always loved you Amelia, I always will..."

He threw the pills out of the window and hugged me tight. When I finally got my breathing back I replied to him.

"I love you too"

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