She always belonged to someone else...

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"Adam, do you know why I'm in here?" I asked, looking for a reason.

"Uh, well that was kinda our fault, I'm so sorry Amelia..." The guilt in his eyes nearly got me crying.

"What happened?" I sounded stressed and I didn't want to, I didn't want to upset the guy who meant the world to me.

He explained to me that they thought they had finished the Meet and Greets and when they saw me they thought that I was going to try and "attack" the band or something, so the security guard pushed me and I fell back. I was unconscious and was bleeding from the back of my head, I was in a coma for nearly a month until now.

I felt the back of my head and felt stitches.

"No, dont touch that! You'll injure yourself!" Adam sounded worried about my well being, the fact that he cared about me excited me and I sat there with a huge smile on my face. Adam looked confused as to why I was smiling but didn't say anything.

I lay there for a while just staring up at the tiled roof, thinking about everything that had happened. Then I remembered,  I needed to tell my parents, and maybe Lydia too. I saw my phone sitting on the table the other side of my room, so I got up to go and get it. But before I could reach it, I collapsed to the floor in a huge heap. Adam rushed over and lifted me up in his tattoo covered, muscular arms and placed me back on my bed.

"Dont you worry about walking anywhere, what did you need sweetie?" he asked innocently.

I pointed to my phone, and while holding my hand, he leaned across the room and grabbed it. He handed me my phone in my free hand and I grabbed it to find that I had loads of missed calls from my parents and a few texts. One of them from my mom read

Hi Adam, thanks for letting me know, will visit asap xx

"Adam, did you let my parents know? " I knew the answer, but it was just a bit of conversation.

"Yeah, is that okay?" he sounded guilty once again.

"Thats totally fine, but I am 29 now, I can take care of myself." I laughed at the end to make sure he knows that I'm not annoyed at him.

"Really?! You're 29?!" I wasn't sure why he was so surprised, I thought I looked 29 but I decided to take it in a positive way.

"No need to be so suprised!" I joked.

"Sorry, its just you're so beautiful, even when you have blood pouring out of you head!" he had an amazing thing about him that just made me love him more with every single word.

I was never good at taking compliments so I just laughed at him instead.

Soon enough we were having a fairly normal conversation.

"So whats your favourite song of ours?" Adam seemed really instrested in whatever I had to say, and I loved that.

"Wont go home without you" I smiled at him, and he returned the smile. 

"We opened up with that one didn't we?"

"Yep, me and my friend Lydia got really excited when we heard the music" I realized the happiness returning back to my voice and soon enough I was feeling almost back to normal.

"When do I get to go home?" I didnt expect Adam to know but maybe he could find out for me.

"The nurse said you can go home whenever you are feeling well enough. However, because the concert was in LA, that is where your car is, and you cant drive back to Chicago, so I was thinking, would you like to live with me for a few months while you're on the mend?"

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