unexpected deaths

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i sat in the tree high above the hidden cave where andrew was resting .  the anthem played and fireworks went off  . the faces of  one tribute was shown in the sky . joey from district two . Daniel must have not protected him well enough . either that or he froze to death or starved  . only a few left .  joey was eighteen  although looked twenty . i barely knew him . for the six times he's tied to kill me . i remember when i shot him in the shoulder with an arrow . i heard another cannon go off . but the only picture was joey's .  it was probably his late cannon . i jumped out of the tree and climbed into the small opening of the cave .  i grabbed mogi's old pack and put my knife in it and  the rest of our supplies  . i knew that we had to leave the cave tomorrow .  four tributes left . i waited until sunrise and grabbed my bow  to go hunting . Andrew's leg was healed the entire way by the medicine and he was able to walk .

sabre ; i'll go hunting for some rabbits and squirrels you can pick some berries .  the black round ones growing in bunches of three are very poisonous don't even touch them  . i left andrew alone and heard a cannon fire minutes later . i ran back and nearly fell down a hill . i saw andrew and he was fine .  andrew ! i thought that cannon was for you ., you scared me to death .

andrew : it wasn't for me . it was for him .

sabre ; oh my god . on the ground was the fox faced callum with night lock berries in his hand . i guess he was smart enough o realize death was the easiest way out .

andrew : what are you doing .

sabre ; let's see if Dan likes berries . i picked up the berries from callum's hand and put them in my pack .

andrew : good idea .

 sabre : andrew  , i forgot mogi's pack in the cave  can you go get it .

andrew : yeah no problem . don't die when i'm gone . i'll be back in a second . 

* sabre * 

 as soon as andrew was out of earshot i was thrown onto the ground by the force of  someone tackling me . it was  the girl from district ten . she held a knife to my throat that was threatening to stop allowing air to pass through . my voice was strained when i spoke . what do you .. want .

kayleen :  you might as well give up Sabre .  i already know lover boy is halfway dead so there is no way he can defend  you . i can kill you right now if i wanted .  we already killed your little friend what was his name  mogi . i guess you forgot about him already .

sabre : i'll never forget about .. mogi . her grip tightened on my throat and  i was barely able to breathe . 

kayleen : he was pathetic .  i'm glad Ryan took care of him before he became a problem . i only wish we could have killed you as well . if i'd been there . i'd have killed you both . i promised Dan . i would kill you in a way that would give the crowd a show .  maybe carve my name  on your helpless face and the slit your throat .

sabre : at least i'll die .. knowing  i had some dignity left . i felt the knife cut into my cheek when a force pulled kayleen off of me . has andrew seen her and rescued me . i looked to see the last seven .  mogi's team member . her name was Jess . i have never been so intimidated by a girl in my life . she cracked kayleen's skull off the tree and nearly yelled in my face . 

Jess : what did you do to mogi ! kill him ! steal from him !

sabre : no please it wasn't me . i didn't hurt him .

Jess : i heard you say his name .

sabre : i protected mogi . we were on the same team for awhile we were allies .  he was killed by Ryan . i killed Ryan . Jess held out her hand to help me up .  i have never been so terrified in my life .

jess ; i'll spare your life this time twelve , but only because you protected mogi until he was killed . we're even . no more after this . now go back to your lover boy he's coming up the hill now .


andrew ; what time is it .

sabre : around late after noon .

andrew ; why is the sky so dark already .

sabre ; they must be in a hurry to end it . i looked up at the sky when i heard a high pitched scream and then a cannon . the sky was lit up by the anthem and the picture of jess the girl who saved my life from kayleen .  andrew suddenly gripped my hand really tightly almost cutting the circulation off . what's wrong ?

andrew : i can hear something .

* low growling *

sabre : RUN!!!

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