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as soon as the anthem ends . we are taken into custody . we aren't hand cuffed or anything . its just that a bunch of peace keepers march us into the justice building . maybe tributes have tried to escape in the past . i've never seen that happen though . once inside i'm conducted to a room where i was left alone . this was the richest place i've been in with thick deep carpets and velvet couch and chairs . i know velvet because my mother has a dress with a collar made of this stuff . when i sat on the couch i couldn't help running my fingers over the fabric repeatedly . it helps calm, me as i prepare for the next hour . the time allotted fro the tributes to say goodbye to their loved ones . i cannot afford to get upset to leave this room with puffy eyes and a red nose . crying is not an option . there will be more cameras at the train station . my mother and my little brother came first hugging me like two pythons .

sabre : mom listen to me . i won't be home anymore to take care of you and lucas and keep you both fed and alive . moose will help you get meat and grain .  and whatever happens on that screen you must fight through it even if i die .

mother ; we will . 

sabre : goodbye mom bye lucas . my next visitor was moose although there was nothing romantic between us he gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked back out teary eyed . i was ushered out of the room and walked to the train station boarding it and  locking myself in one of the bedrooms . i sat on the bed and stared out the window watching the scenery  rush by in a blur . there was a knock at my door and i unlocked it . it was the district thirteen tribute .

Andrew ; hey . my name is Andrew .

sabre ; i heard . 

Andrew : i know how you feel leaving behind everything to risk it all .

sabre : you don't know that feeling .

Andrew : no your right . i don't . i guess being put in a well at age six wasn't enough to keep me from corruption .

sabre : you were put in a well . why ?

Andrew :  it was the only safe place for a child to be protected against a bomb .raised in a community home i trained for the hunger games . i respect you for what you did back there . volunteering for that little kid .

sabre : Lucas is my little brother .

Andrew :  how old are you ? chances are i'm younger .

sabre : i'm sixteen .

Andrew : seriously ? i'm sixteen as well .

sabre : that's really an odd coincidence . i wish i could get to know you better . considering the fact i'm going to try and slit your throat in about two days .

Andrew : we don't have to kill each other just yet in the games . we can survive together for awhile until it's just down to us .

* knocking *

Red :  dinner is ready .

sabre : i'm not hungry .

Red : suit yourself . what about you .

Andrew : no thanks .


* laughter * 

 Andrew : you tried to drown a feral cat in a bucket ?

sabre : yeah , but Lucas begged for me to keep it alive .

Andrew : wow . you would do anything for your little brother . i see why you volunteered for him .

sabre : my brother is the last rosini . if i die and he dies from starvation or sickness . the rosini bloodline will end .

Andrew : hopefully you survive the games . if it comes down to just us two . i'll let you kill me without a fight ...

The hunger games 09sabre  editionWhere stories live. Discover now