Neko (1)

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Jake's POV

Three weeks and six days. That's how long it's been since Albert and me have moved in together. It was weird; when I first moved in he seemed so happy and excited, but now he acts kinda depressed. He wears long hoodies and always has his hood on. I  looking up from my phone and over to him as he sat his small body on the couch beside me, messing with the strings on his hood. "Hey, Al... can we talk?" I asked with a small sigh.

"Uh, sure... what's up?" He asked, looking at me, confusion in his eyes.

"Am I making you depressed?" I asked, holding nothing back as I looked up into his beautiful, wheat golden, eyes.

"What?! Of course not!" He told, looking a little offended. "Why would you think that...?" He asked slowly. I looked up at the hood he had over his head.

"After a week or so of me living here all you've have worn is baggy hoodies..." I told, placing my hand on top of his. I saw his calm and collective expression quickly turn to a worried and nervous glance.

"I-I've just... it's just that... uhh..." He paused and looked away from me, his eyes down and facing the ground. I sighed before slipping his hood off his head.

"You need to be..." I stopped midsentence and let my eyes widen as I looked up at his head. In the few seconds I could see his head before he jerked his hands up and pulled his hood back on, I saw... ears? Cat ears? "What the hell was that?!" I asked, standing to my feet, confusion and fear in my eyes.

"Jake, I can explain!" He yelled, jumping to his feet beside me.

"Well please do so!" I told, placing a hand on my head and pushing the hair out of my face.

"Well, uh, I'm a neko..." Albert mumbled, his cheecks coated in pink as he did everything in his ability to keep his eyes off of mine.

"What the hell is that?!" I asked, my heart pounding in my chest, Albert showing a kinda scared look.

"I-It's a mixture of a human and a cat..." he mumbled, taking my hand in his. I just stared at him, blinking at him in response. "I-I can't really explain it... it just kinda happened..." he told with a nervous chuckle.

"What do you mean it just kinda happened?!" I asked, still totally confused. He sighed deeply before slidding off his hoodie completely, revealing a swift tail. I sat in silence, wide eyed.

"J-Jake, please so something..." He pleaded and I could see the fright in his eyes.

"Well, I, uh... I don't know what to say..." I told, blushing softly. He looked adorable that way! He had coffee brown ears to match his hazel hair and the same colored tail, but there was the top three inches or so of the tail was black. I saw his lip quiver a little before he sighed, looking down at the ground, his cheeks coated in red.

"I knew you'd hate it..." he mumbled, pushing his hair off of his forehead. I bit down on my lip before looking down at the younger male.

"Actually... I think it's adorable..." I admitted, blushing softly and placing my hand on his chin, lifting his head up so that he was looking into my eyes.

"Y-you do?!" He asked, his eyes suddenly lighting up. I chuckled a little and nodded softly.

"Yeah, I do..." I told, smiling a little as he jumped up and hugged me tightly. I softly wrapped my arms around him as he clutched to my neck, his face buried in the crook between my neck and shoulder.

"Thanks for not thinking I'm weird." He told, though his voice was muffled from my neck. I chuckled and playfully rolled my eyes.

"Dude, I do think you're weird and I always will." I told him, kisisng the top of his head.

"That's rude..." He mumbled, giggling when I kissed his forehead. I put a hand up, running my fingers through his hair but right before I touched one of his ears he pulled my hand away. "You can't touch my ears or tail..." He warned me, acting like a nervous animal.

"What?! Why not...?" I slowly asked him, a little disappointed.

"W-Well, because... I don't want you to." He told, sticking his tongue out at me.

"Whatever, dude!" I told, whining a little. He laughed at me before smirking innocently.

"But now that I'm half cat I can do this without you saying anything." I was confused once he said that, passing off a look before feeling him lick across my neck, just happening to find my sweet spot. I bit down on my lip to avoid moaning, passing him a glare.

"Please don't do that again..." I mumbled, letting his small body go as he giggled at me, watching as I whipped his saliva off my neck.

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