(Neko (3)): Punishment

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Albert's POV

I giggled as Jake shoved my back against the wall, my tail softly swaying behind me. I looked up into his chocolate brown eyes, nothing but lust visible. "Why do you have to tease me like that?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. I smirked and tilted my head down, keeping my eyes on his and staying silent for a moment.

"Why not?" I answered in an innocent voice. I just got done kissing his neck and grinding against him for about thirty minutes, and I got up to cook dinner, but I guess he didn't like me leading him on like that.

"Because you don't just do something like that! Now... you owe me a good time..." He told, keeping a grip on my arms, which he had pinned the wall above my head, his arms rubbing against my ears.

"Well, I am a neko... cats love to tease people..." I mumbled, ignoring the lustful and needy looks he was giving me.

"Well I am a human, and humans don't like to be lead on." He told. Before I could comment, I felt his soft lips roughly kissing mine. I kissed back just as aggressively, pulling at my arms, but he didn't even think of letting up. "And since you don't want to listen, this is gonna be rough. This is your punishment..." He growled lowly in my ear. I shivered slightly at the deep voice he was using, looking up into his eyes which showed nothing but a lustful need.

"P-punishment for what, daddy..." I mumbled with a sly smirk as I saw his cheeks go a light pink at the nickname.

"For being a tease." He finally answered, taking his hands off of my wrists and putting them on the rim of my shirt. "I have a few rules for you." He told, swiftly slidding the clothing off of my head and throwing it onto the floor.

"And what would they be?" I asked, standing on my tippy toes and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm the dominant one; you have absolutely no say in what I say or do to you. You can't moan, and you are going to cum three times before I leave you and your small body alone." He told, bringing his hands down and unbuttoning my pants, keeping my back against the wall. "Got it?"

"What if I fight you back?" I asked in a determined voice.

"Then this will be twice as hard for you." He told, pulling my pants down to my ankles, using his feet to kick them onto the floor. I gave a nervous chuckle, keeping my eyes on his. He always makes jokes about fucking me till I can't walk for a week and making me moan his name so loudly that the neighbors could hear, but he was full of empty threats. We've never even seen each other naked before, so this is a huge step.

"I have some lube in the top drawer in the dresser." I told, letting a quiet moan slip from my mouth as he started kissing down my jawline and neck.

"We won't be needing that..." He told in a subductive voice. I gasped as he sunk his teeth into my sweet spot, harshly sucking on the area he just bit into.

"J-Jake, go easy on me..." I told, letting out a string of soft moans as he continued to toy with my neck.

"Nah, I'd rather not..." I watched as he pulled his body off of mine and slipped his shirt off of his head with one swift move, throwing it beind him on the floor.

"W-Well the pizza is gonna burn if this takes too long..." I mumbled, quickly shutting up as he roughly shoved his lips onto mine. I aggressively kissed back, sliding my hands from his neck down to the hem of his pants. I tugged at the cloth, practically begging him to take it off as I felt my boxers get a little tighter.

"Somebody looks needy..." He mumbled, my tail slowly swaying behind me in an anxious manner. I bit down on my lip as I looked over his body, which was structured pretty well.

"S-shut up..." I quietly defended. I gave a look as he grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the bed. He pushed my small body onto the bed and unbuttoned his pants, sliding them down his knees and kicking them onto the floor, leaving us both in nothing but our boxers.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do this with you." He growled lowly in my ear. I shivered slightly, my eyes half lidded as I looked up at the older male. He placed his hands around my boxers and pulled them off of me, throwing them to the ground. "I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with myself..." I heard him mumble. I looked down to see him staring at my half-hard member.

"What can I say, you fuck me up sometimes..." I mumbled back, my face covered in blush as I looked to my side, avoiding eye contact. I felt him stand up before turning me around, watching as he slid down his own boxers. He pulled the artical of clothing off of himself before climbing back on top of me.

"Like what you see..." He lowly whispered in my ear. I bit down on my lip, looking down at his member, which had to be a good 8" or so.

"T-That's going inside of me?!" I squeaked out, wrapping my arms around his neck and quickly looking up into his eyes. I saw him snicker, moving his lips from my ear and down to my neck.

"Definitely... maybe this will teach you for being such a tease..." I took in a deep breath as I felt him slowly push his tip into my entrance. "Ready?" He asked, pushing a little deeper into my small and fragile body.

"I, uh... y-yeah..." I told, feeling pleasure and a slight bit of pain course through me as he pushed his rock-hard member deeper into me. I let out a soft moan as the pleasure over took the pain. He slowly pulled out, leaving only his tip inside of me. "Mmn, faster..." I mumbled, already showing him how needy I was.

"As you wish." He told before ramming his shaft deep into me. I jumped up and tightened my grip on his neck, burying my head in the crook of his neck, my body shaking slightly as I let out a loud, lustful moan.

"Fuck, Jake, y-you're so big~!" I cried out as he continued to pound his large shaft into my small body.

"A-And you're so tight..." He followed. He was panting softly but wasn't letting up as he continued to keep a quick and steady pace of ramming into me. I let off another loud moan as he rubbed past my g-spot, getting incredibly close to my prostate.

"J-Jake, I'm close..." I whimpered out, my face covered in red.

"Already? Wow..." he followed back. I couldn't see his face since I kept my head hidden in his neck, but I could tell he had a cocky smirk on his face.

"S-Shut up! Y-You're the first guy I've ever done t-this with!" I snapped, but was interrupted by a mangled moan that escaped my lips as I felt him harshly force his shaft back into me. I felt him do this a few more times, each time he did I could feel his tip hit my prostate, which cause multiple loud moans from me. Each time he pushed his large member back in my small self, I felt my body get pushed upwards a little by all the force he was using.

"Ah~ Jakey...!" I moaned out as I felt a knot form in the pit of my stomach, my legs going numb and nothing but pleasure shooting through me before I released on both of our stomachs.

"That was one..." He mumbled, pulling out of me. I gave a small whimper when he did so, my face covered in pink blush and my forehead beaded in sweat, my hair messily in my face and my eyes softly shut as my chest heaved up and down with each breath I took. "We'll finish the rest tonight..." he told me, seeing how exhausted I looked. He might have been the first guy to go inside of me, but hell did it feel so great! Maybe it was a mistake not letting him do this to me sooner...

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